
70 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

i messed around with my stuff and followed your advice some. cut down on my equips, introduced spirit link, sunspear shikari. 68 cards now... this is probably what ill stop and play with. casual fun and planechase.

Posted 16 October 2012 at 02:01 as a comment on Life control


The equipment are here for helping the ones who dont have lifelink or flying... or haste... etc.

The fencing ace is a 1/1 double strike with now the ability to have flying,lifelink,vigilance,trample,unblockable etc, all cheap costing equipments and should make the gameplay more fun
The ghostly prison to prevent crazy amounts of creatures attacking.
pacifism for the huge creatures

some of my thoughts. for any scenario i may encounter

Posted 16 October 2012 at 01:36 in reply to #296898 on Life control


I had the bell in my deck already, and thank you for mentioning time warp, i can not believe i forgot about that card. may help with distant memories... howling mine is a great card and i have to find a card to swap out for it :)

Posted 19 January 2012 at 20:58 in reply to #228970 on EDH Niv-Mizzet


the mage is my overrun that wont be expected. verdant force is covered with verdant embrace costing only 5 versus seven. i got rid of 2 thallid creature types and bumped alot of them up to 4, including my mage that i can turn face up to give all saprolings +2+2 and trample until end of turn

Posted 20 February 2011 at 10:32 in reply to #131730 on saproling swarm


i can see where this deck may do well in a multiplayer game but its 75 which is way too big for a normal 1v1. more cheap mana cost flyers like birds. the echo mage serves no purpose if your going to just be countering spells. if you counter the spell twice it does not leave you with anything more than a counter copied twice. also look for unblockable creatures and add in a nifty artifact like howling mine or something. to get the ball rolling :)

Posted 14 October 2010 at 22:29 as a comment on Basic Blue second attempt


umm and its only 30 cards :P

Posted 13 October 2010 at 00:20 as a comment on White life gain
