I definitely considered going the equipment route. This was my thought process while brewing: >>I could go equipment... >>Make use of Dispatch with the metalcraft? That's a solid 1-drop >>Okay, what are some good equipment (the swords of course) >>Well Swords of X & Y are out of my price range... >>Infiltration Lens? Bonesplitter? >>But... what would I take out? and after a lot of thinking I decided that using swords would be the only way that sacrificing deck space to equipment would be worth it. Also, it looks like Sword of Fire and Ice would be the best one (I any draw power outside of the tutor that I run 3 of, and prot blue-red is perfect) It boiled down to a matter of cost. I don't want to drop that much money on what is essentially a casual deck at this point in time (though owning some of the swords would certainly be beneficial for when I do hit up tourneys)
Welp... It's been a while but I updated it.
I'd go 4 Æther Vial and 3 Basilisk Collar or 4 of each and drop 1 Warren Instigator
I'm not terribly worried about building a sideboard, but if you know a solid setup for this deck then feel free to let me know.
Yes, it is for modern. Thanks for the input though :)
I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the Copperline Gorges
It certainly seems good! I'll put it on the drawing board for my next revision. Don't want to change too much all at once.
Wow! Thank you so much for your insightful post! I'll definitely consider all of that and see how I can fit it into my deck. I feel pretty good about dropping the act of treasons. I may put in 3 tectonic rifts in their place, as they seem extremely useful. If I'm going that route then I may need to reduce/remove the infiltration lens. Definitely at least take them down to 3 based on my test runs. I also like the idea of throwing in mana acceleration. I'll look through all of my options and see what feels best for this deck. I know there's a new one in Innistrad where you sac a creature and pay 1 mana to get 3 mana, which could combo quite nicely with a goblin arsonist. I'll pay extra attention to the Mogg War Marshals in my upcoming test runs. They are nice to draw, but ultimately not always game changing. They do seem like a slow-ish option for this sort of deck, and at 2 it's not like I'm going to miss them dearly if I take them out. I came across a card called Vexing Shusher. It seem really nice, at least a side deck card, and I'll probably test it in the main deck once my next iteration stabilizes. 2 mana 2/2 that cant be countered? Pretty sweet deal when you add in the fact that you can pay one more mana to make any spell uncounterable. Gives some extra insurance to those all-out goblin grenade volley plays for the win. Thanks for the knowledgeable response. It's really helpful for a relatively new player like myself.
I would definitely say add two more Goblin Grenades. Easily the best card in the game :) I'm also quite partial to Reverberate, as you can duplicate your Grenades (without sacrificing another goblin) as well as steal your opponent's spells. Mind taking a gander at my modern goblin deck and making a suggestion or two? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=233580
Finally! I can use my Goatnappers.
Definitely, man! Absolutely love reverberate. I was looking over your deck again (I run modern goblins too, though I need to take out matron to make it modern legal) and realized the potential for Warren Instigator. Loving how that card can potentially activate twice in one combat step (if not blocked). Would you recommend that and/or any other cards for my modern goblin deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=233580 I'm thinking about moving slightly away from burn and being more goblin heavy, as well as narrowing down the variety of goblins to make it more consistent.
ambush viper? innistrad common, shouldn't be tough to get a hold of.
How will you pay the green mana for Kessig Wolf Run?
Thanks for the feedback :) to address your points: 1) The Goblin Matron, I believe, is the only non-modern legal card in there. I'm thinking of taking it out and structuring this deck for modern. I might go full Standard, but that would require building practically an entirely new deck, and I lack the resources and desire to do that at the moment. 2) If I had to choose between the two, I would definitely stick with Goblins. Why? Short answer: Goblin Grenade. Not-as-short answer: I really like the feel of a goblin deck. Dropping minions every turn and wailing on my opponent is more exciting to me than a control or some other sort of deck. The reason I have burn cards in there is simply because by turn 4 or 5 my opponent could possibly have formed a defense against the goblins, and those burn cards can help finish them off (or serve as creature removal if necessary). I want to avoid going legacy goblins. I lack both the older, and usually more expensive, goblins and goblin support cards that make them work (as far as I understand). Also, I'm only in my second month of playing MtG and legacy is still intimidating to me. What would you suggest for me given that the aim of this deck is "Modern Goblins". Things I want to keep: Creatures - Guides, Chieftans, Bushwhackers, Arsonists Other spells - Goblin Grenades, Reverberates, Lightning Bolts Everything else is open for replacement, but through testing all the cards seem to play their part, so it's hard to decide what to take out.
Sweet deck man Really focused, nice Innistrad picks. Have you considered a set of Reverberates? I know I say this on a lot of Goblin decks, but I am in love with that card for mono-red. Double-grenades is devastating. Also it lets you counter your opponents counters and do a lot more. One of the most flexible cards out there. My Goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=233580 If you have time check it out :) It needs some tweaks. I consider it modern because I just have to swap out one card to make it modern legal. Working on a standard brew though, I'll post that some day soon.
4x reverberate for double goblin grenades, with only one sacrificed goblin :)
Awesome deck It's core strategy is very similar to my B/W deck, but overall different in execution. I built mine for casual FFA games and have a wider variety of ceatures. Less consistent, but still fun. anyways, I really like how focused and solid this deck is.
I would not run Bangchuckers. Go for a more consistent Goblin such as Wardriver (I'm assuming you want to stay standard, as I see you have shock instead of lightning bolt, but otherwise look into goblin guide or goblin bushwhacker) Also, Goblins are low-power creatures, so Fling doesn't get optimal use here. I'd swap out your Flings for 4 Reverberates. Copy your Goblin Grenades for 10 damage without having to sac a second goblin. This is my modern build (well, aside from the goblin matrons... I'll need to switch that out if I want it to be modern). Its strategy should translate over to standard pretty well. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=233580
I'd say -3 or 4 Gobllin Wardriver and then +3 or 4 Reverberate Up to you, but my modern goblin deck can dish out surprising amounts of damage utilizing the Reverberate+Gobliln Grenade or Bolt combo. (You don't have to sac a second Goblin for a Reverberated Grenade)
Have you considered a fourth Goblin Guide? I think it'd be pretty solid. I'd move up to four in my own deck if I owned a fourth one. Maybe going down to three signal pest or two wardrivers would be worth the fourth guide. Can you (or anyone else) check out my deck and comment/fix? I'm fairly new to MtG but I think I'm catching on pretty quickly. It's also a Goblin deck. With Browbeat! haha I love that card. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=233580
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