
99 Decks, 114 Comments, 3 Reputation

Yes this deck is freaking boss. I think I'm going to change maybe a couple cards but thats it.

Posted 07 February 2012 at 07:38 in reply to #232560 on Delver of oh shit


I dont know if sundial of infinite works or not with seance or mimic vat or anything like that.

Posted 06 February 2012 at 02:48 as a comment on spirits are boss


look at the new one I made ><

Posted 05 February 2012 at 23:46 in reply to #232509 on esper delver


What if they don't play creatures? O.O

Posted 20 December 2011 at 18:48 as a comment on Find Porn Here


why mill yourself? your highest hit is 4 mana cost

Posted 18 December 2011 at 13:34 in reply to #204437 on Faceslapper.


I think what hes saying is dont build your deck around having liquimetal coating, just build around benefiting from having it, not needing it.

something close to this.

Posted 18 December 2011 at 13:27 as a comment on everything turns to rust


what if you don't draw liquimetal coating?

Posted 18 December 2011 at 13:13 as a comment on Disintegration


4 sword is too many I'd say too

Posted 16 December 2011 at 20:56 as a comment on Monoblue


going for 2 separate win conditions at the same time is usually bad..... theoretically.... if you win by damage, then all your infect cards and poison counter cards were practically useless.... they didnt deal damage and progress you to victory, rather they gave poison counters .... which would have alternatively won you the game had you failed to reach 20 damage.... but if those poison guys were damage dealers, wouldn't you have won faster?.... same could be said for the other way around... so putting your eggs in two baskets slows down your win condition and lessens the chances that you actually make it to either. it's not like your infect creatures have any different abilities than the other.... the day of judgment that would kill normal creatures would also kill your infect creatures, and the removal spells would too.... so they aren't bringing anything new or stronger to the table, rather they are degrading the chances that you achieve victory.

If your gonna play infect than play infect, if your gonna play damage, than play damage, but for godsake don't try to walk down two different paths at the same time, youll find yourself doing the splits after a few steps.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 11:51 as a comment on Monoblue


yeah dissipate is better, but do your own thing. Also, I play a similar delver deck, and I played turn aside for a while, it was a really good 1 mana creature saver.... probably should be in your sideboard :) ... and

oh and its not about phoenix's .... its about reanimator and solar flare decks.... decks that run a lot of flashback.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 11:44 as a comment on U/R Chandra's Secrets


Yeah, and wouldn't vapor snag? ... rather than silent departure. its instant and deals damage... if your concerned about your delver dying, you can play unsummon instead. That way you can
A). play it and save your creature from removal or your own slagstorm, and when you put snapcaster in this deck (which it won't be complete without 4) you can unsummon your snapcaster back to recast something all at instant speed ... so that means turn 2 mana leak, turn 3 dissipate, turn 4 snapcaster mana leak.... and then do it again later on by snaping caster back to your hand with unsummon and doing it again... and it also doubles as a way to set your opponents back a turn or saving your ass at instant speed against crazy shinanigans... for 1 mana....

Posted 16 December 2011 at 11:40 as a comment on UR Vengeance


instead of staggershock I might play gut shot or something ... just faster i guess, but staggershock does do more I suppose.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 11:29 as a comment on Kiln N Friends (U/R)


Ok, 24 plains, too many, 2 hero of bladehold, too few. thats my suggestion. Oh and 4 Angelic Destiny, too many.

So basic math tells you -1 angelic destiny. -1 plains. +2 Hero of bladehold. Like seriously, did you even read hero of bladehold, its a million times better than Angelic overseer.... it says hey.. deal with me this turn (turn 4) or lose. ... angelic overseer says hey im just gonna attack for 5 next turn. hero says im attacking for over 30...... what the fuck sound better to you? winning turn 5 or playing a fuckit creature that sits on her thumb and does absolutely nothing? take that fat bitch out and put in some adaptive automations or some shit, something that will actually I dunno win the game or something?

and honestly, have you ever been to a big tournament? .... I don't think a sideboard should ever have 4 ofs in it.... and besides 9 cards in SB is instant DQ-go home. If you wanna go agro try elite vanguard and adaptive autos and more heros. If you wanna go control, do more control spells or lawkeeper or some dumb shit. And O-ring is better than bonds of faith In my opinion. But you have your own style.

Oh and the +1+1 counters seem to want some sort of proliferation. Your running mono white which isn't bad, but honestly you should splash either red for agro (adding in fast humans and the red hero) or green for Mayor of Arbuck .... I mean he pumps all humans, and if he's not doing that then hes pumping out 3/3 wolves every turn. You could easily splash blue for tezzerets gambit and some control proliferate cards. But mono white is harsh, what are your win/loss stats with this deck?

Posted 16 December 2011 at 02:58 as a comment on Standard Humans


your pretty likely to get that turn 1 play, ill give you that much

Posted 15 December 2011 at 00:46 as a comment on TOURNAMENT G/W human v2


Look.... This deck is just a slightly worse version of its top 8 counterpart

Posted 11 December 2011 at 18:30 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Deck description: Hi I lose to tempo control, good day.

Posted 11 December 2011 at 18:28 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


split up your doom blades between doom blade and go for the throat and maybe even dismember, but don't have all your eggs in one basket, because that'l be 4 cards that are absolutely dead in some matchups, plus with snapcaster, having variety is better.

Check out my control psychic surgery deck.

Posted 11 December 2011 at 03:09 as a comment on T2 extraction


come on.. wardriver vs. tunneler ... anyways, aren't there even better goblins in this format?
anyways, I also think chandra is too expensive ... 5 mana... deal 1 damage?

... i dunno, lets try the new chandra, the firebrand. hmmmm for the same 5 mana... cast firebrand for 4... use her -2 , cast goblin grenade .. deal 10 damage .... or +1 and deal the same 1 damage that the shitty chandra does, one turn earlier.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 07:51 in reply to #218375 on Chandra's goblin grenade


oh shit I remembered that old card I wanted to remember lol ... i think its called sulfuric vortex .... i dunno, i think it would deal less damage than manabarbs... oh wait manabarbs costs 4 lol just kidding.... screw old cards lol

Posted 01 December 2011 at 07:47 as a comment on Chandra's goblin grenade


drop raging goblin and put in goblin bushwahcker.... also, I'd add goblin wardriver. both of those cards (to me) are better than fireslinger or raging.

Also, check out reverberate :)
.... uhhh goblin grenade... + reverberate = 10 damage for 3 mana and 3 cards. not bad. Also, check out goblin arsonist instead of fireslinger because he in essence has the same effect. Seeing that your probably going to use his ping ability then sac him to grenade. Goblin arsonist is also a 1/1 for 1 .... but it can target creatures, so when you goblin grenade you can add 1 damage to your target (and now take down titans for 1 red mana) 6 damage is tenfold better than 5 when dealing to a creature.

Flamerift is cool.... would manabarbs do better? it would definitely deal more damage and speed up the game..... or maybe not cuz it costs one more.... id have to see this deck in play, since I only play standard

Posted 01 December 2011 at 07:44 as a comment on Chandra's goblin grenade


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