Trench Gorger
From the database and pic it says thisTreasure HuntSorcery 1U
isochron scepter is my favorite card but only works for instants the only one of those that would work would be panoptic mirror and its just really slow
yeah even adding wosam makes treasure hunt worse :-( better to have like 2 or 3 seismic assaults and just mulligan until u get treasure hunt and seismic assault... i would really like to be able to treasure hunt every turn any ideas?
:-) thanks for this idea im gonna piss some people off
wait one more... faiths reward... nuff said lol
Terravore? land's edge? Lightning Storm? lol ok ill stop this combo is too much fun
wheel of the sun and moon with treasure hunt on a panoptic mirror would work too
Crucible of worlds been mentioned? and lord of extinction wouldnt be bad either. Also for enchantment removal theres aura fracture but i would add something like spiteful shadows and then harvest pyre for the win or if u havent burned out like a 6 player game with this cheap ass combo lol play Creeping Renaissance and return all your lands to your hand to be discarded again put Creeping Renaissance on a panoptic mirror for repeat shenanigans rofl
but i do have a G/W Version and soon a R/W as well
It is allot of fun i love black :-)
no cuz of dingus eggs
lol yeah the possibilities are endless i love it
oh good point early buff
funny cuz its basically just the best red and white soldier themed cards he has thrown into a deck based on the idea he had to make a "300" deck lol
lol yeah i been comboing sunbond with stuff since i saw it then i remembered my spikeshot goblin deck and decided to see what i could do combining it with a healing deck life gain equals counters equals more burn and creature detroys and when u get lifelink on them they gain more counters and life for it hahaha the only things that get ya are enchantment/ artifact removal i played a buddy of mine and he isochroned naturalize and completely shut me down lol he also had hex parasite removing my counters lol it sucked
lol yeah its quite hilarious when you never even get the chance to win b4 they quit
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