Thanks for the help! I appreciate the suggestion. I tried to make this more as a base for customization and less of a specific deck. Personally, I like having the freedom of choice when I build decks, so I made this with choice in mind. Of course, all of the artifacts are interchangeable too as long as you have enough mana to cast DTN. If you didn't, then this deck couldn't really have DTN in it's name. :PCheers!
I'll keep that in mind! This really is just a base for a more customized DTN deck, so I tried to make this as open as possible so different people could play to their strengths. I have four different kinds of setups for this, so I like to think that almost any style of play can work with this deck, as long as you have the right cards.Cheers!
Decided to post this in the comments because it won't fit anywhere else, but this was all built with my own collection of cards. If there's any card that can do a better job than another, I probably don't own it.