
1 Deck, 9 Comments, 1 Reputation

I'm not sure I see the point of the Accorder Paladins. Sure they're a nice low cost 3/1, but being human knights they don't fit the theme. If you just want them for the battlecry to buff your soldiers, I'd say replace them with Daru Warchiefs. Sure their cost is a little high at 4, but they'd be a good late game buff for the lower cost soldiers. Alternatively, more Field Marshals.

Posted 03 June 2011 at 06:22 as a comment on Lotsa Soldiers


Since you have this listed as a casual play deck you might want to take out an Alloy Myr and an Origin Spellbomb to throw in 2 Coretappers. You have the infinite untap combo for your Myr creatures available, so if you put them in you can stack as many charge counters onto the Shrine as you want and mass spawn Myr tokens. Throw in a mass haste spell and you have a winning move.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 07:14 as a comment on Myrexia


Drop the Forests and Plains for some dual color lands and switch out the Terramorphic Expanses or Meddling Mages for some more burn cards. You have a lot of stuff that copies spells, but few spells to copy.

Posted 09 May 2010 at 18:44 as a comment on Spell copy


If you're trying to make a Bitter Ordeal deck then throw a bit of green in because the best combo to go with it is Sprouting Phytohydra and Blasting Station. Make an infinite number of tokens hit the graveyard before being removed from game then deck any number of opponents.

Posted 09 May 2010 at 10:39 as a comment on Bitter Ordeal


Other than that, the only real thing i would add would be a couple creature killers, just in case you find yourself up against something REALLY nasty, such as a Dormant Sliver (all slivers gain defender) or Plague Sliver (all slivers deal 1 damage to their owner at upkeep).

Posted 28 June 2008 at 21:15 as a comment on Sliver Mayhem


The idea behind a sliver deack is to have a lot of small creatures you can get out quick and make bigger, followed by some key big ones. I would advise removing things like the Might Sliver (5 mana) for the Muscle Sliver (2 mana), and other substitutes of the like. This is assuming you're playing casual and not tournament matches mind you (card restrictions suck).

Posted 28 June 2008 at 21:13 as a comment on Sliver Mayhem


The deck is nice, but it doesn't take into consideration anti-creature or anti-sliver cards. If someone pulls out a hive stone you're dead. If someone has a burn deck, you're probably dead because they can take out the key slivers you need. Ward Sliver and an artifact destroyer or two would be good. Another good addition would be Cryptic Gateway, it would remove the need for the Gemhide Slivers, but I would probably keep them anyway. Another key problem is the high mana costs of your slivers.

Posted 28 June 2008 at 21:10 as a comment on Sliver Mayhem


Official rulebook entry, section three - turn structure.
"300.3. When a phase ends (but not a step), any unused mana left in a player’s mana pool is lost. That player loses 1 life for each one mana lost this way. This is called mana burn. Mana burn is loss of life, not damage, so it can’t be prevented or altered by effects that affect damage. This game action doesn’t use the stack."

Aside from the redirection of mana burn not working, the Stuffy Doll - Pariah combo is nice.

Posted 17 June 2008 at 08:55 as a comment on Funny Stuffy


There are some other good combos in the deck as well. The Dreamborn Muses will devistate your opponent's library due to the Forced Fruition, and when you throw in Eater of Days you don't have to worry about decking yourself somehow. Pemmin's Aura will allow you to untap your Prodigal Sorcerer and either whittle away at your opponents life or return all their creatures to their hand using Cowardice.

Posted 14 June 2008 at 00:29 as a comment on Fallen Fruits
