this deck looks awesome. do you really have all those lands?! check out my mishra deck and tell me what you think
this looks like a cool deck. i wish i had some of those artifacts check out my grixis decks:
this is a pretty cool deck. ornithopter+cranial plating=win check out my grixis artifact deck:
some bangers in there
could almost use more devour cards. the vexing devils are frickin awesome
if you could pick up some Control Magic to replace the Mind Controls. itll bring down the mana costs, but your mana curve is pretty solid check out my leviathan deck i've been working on
Surveilling Sprite > Oculus Control Magic > Mind Control otherwise you have some really cool stuff in here. check out my leviathan deck i've been working on
om nom nom
the Dragonspeaker and Stinkdrinker would help put out huge changelings check out my changeling deck i've been working on:
there's a decent amount of mana production in here, you could almost swap out some of them for myr enforcers or superions check out my myr deck i've been working on:
i took out some of the mana myrs for terramorphic expanses, then added a Master Transmuter (which i think will be fun)
also; Kaleidostone
whoa this deck is hilarious! mentor of the meek might be hard with only 4 plains producers, but this is a cool idea. Liliana Vess would help you find the myrs you need, or Rhystic Tutor check out my myr deck:
mana curve is hilarious do you really have all those cards...?
digging the flying bear idea tho
i feel like you want more creatures in this deck; you might end up drawing all instant and sorcery cards.
wow yea the esperzoa would be a good combo with mishra. i'd be able to replay my artifacts to grab more. i took out hovering myrs for the etherium sculpters, but maybe i'll switch it around a bit. thanks for the input!
there is so much going on in this deck
i'd battle you:
this is pretty cool! Timber Protector and Myr Galvanizer are a great addition. i wish i had your colussus' check out my changeling deck:
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