Thanks for suggestions! I have updated deck to reflect the new additions.
i've been pLAYING a modified version of this deck for some time and it kicks ass in my play group. I use spirt link instead of mark of the vampire and pilory of the sleepless and mutilate instead of oblvion ring and murder. also I use a land that gives exalted and some 1/1 exalted white creatures in place of the tormented soul. I use only 1 neferox and took out angelic benidiction. I also use an angel that gives all my creatures exalted. (she is above the budget of this deck but makes it much more competitive) Deck has rarely lost in my play group.THANKS FOR THE EXCELLENT MODEL FROM WHICH TO BUILD FROM.
thanks I'll add two
good deck.
I really like this deck and made a similar one myself. However I just found out grey merchant doesn't work very well in this deck. Read the oracle text on It says hybrid mana doesn't count towards its ability. Hybrid mana is dual color ie black and red. So you might want to take him out of side board. I reluctantly took him out of mine. (he would have been awesome in my multiplayer games :(
looks like a good deck in theory. But if I played this in a multiplayer I'm sure I would get gang banged by all the other players. :(
You should try spike jester instead of rakdos shread freak. The jester is a 3/1 haste and the freak is only a 2/1 haster
take out power of fire and add creatures that can do 1 point of damage such as blood cultist and spark mage.See my deck at
really like this idea...too bad its such an expensive deck to build