Seems fun+1 from me
Sandwurm Convergence would be on theme and probably good+1 from me I like the deck
+1 from me I like the deckSome possible changes I would suggest:- Your in Naya colors so why not run 1 or 2 of Samut? I do understand that this is modern and your trying to keep the curve lower but she seems so fun in these colors :)- If this isn't budget Tireless Tracker would be good- I would play all 4 Thraben Inspectors
+1 from me I like the deckAll I would suggest is:+2 landsand maybe finding some more card draw to put in
uh...Regal Caracal?lol+1 from me though like the deck
I just think Aether Poisoner is just straight up better than Dhund Operative because the bonus power Dhund gets doesn't really matter with deathtouchYou also seem to have a side energy theme going here and Aether poisoner supports thatAlso adding +2 Gonti, Lord of Luxury would be pretty sweet because he is card advantage which I feel this deck needs a bit of, he also has deathtouch, and he is budget+1 from me always like a well constructed budget deck
+1 from meI love Eldrazi
+1 from me I like the deckI usually run 24 lands in my decks and a lot of people make arguments for 26 in control decks since you wanna hit your land dropsEven with the curve being lower I would still at least go up 3 lands at least
+1 from me I like the deck:I assume by "first deck" you mean your new to the game so welcomeAside from the tips Anon88 already gave you the only other thing I tell new players is:Don't forget/underestimate card draw- "Draw a card" are the best three words in magic- For your deck I would suggest 4 Read the Bones but really any card draw spell you have available would be fine
Yup,Scions by themselves aren't the best way to ramp but Cryptolith Rite makes them a bit better
+1 from me looks funOnly thing I'd do is +2 lands
+1 fro my me Eldrazi are my favorite and I love the deck:1. I don't see the point in running so man ingest cards without a lot of payoff for exiling the cards2. Scions and ingest are 2 different types of Eldrazi decks usually3. You've got 61 cards in the deck (try and get it to 60)4. Also I'd add +2 lands for sureI have a scion ramp deck on my account that's proably my second best deck I own so if you want some ideas you could look at that
I agree with #2: because 4 mana counters aren't always reliableI don't know if your building this deck on a budget but if your not then running all 4 disallow would be goodI don't agree with #1 though: many control players (including pros) run only the 4 gearhulk espeacilly with so many ways to dig for themSome changes I'd personally make:-2 lands (I easily get by with 24 I have control decks)+2 Baral (he'd be pretty awesome)-1 summary dismissal (maybe sideboard it?)-1 pull from tommorow (3 seems to many)+2 disallow or censor+1 from me overall I love the deck
I actually personally prefer harvester as a card more than heart because it can block heart and gain you life.That might just be me.
+1 from me I like the deckIt isn't quiet standard though:Standard right now is the battle for Zendikar block, the shadows over innistrad block, the Kaladesh block, and the amonket block.Also I'd go +2 lands for sure
+1 for the cool deckNot exactly what I'd call budget though :)
+1 from me I like itLooks like you have a "collected company" deck going here. Check up the card and if you like it use 4.Other than that you've titled the deck a "tamiyo" deck and it does perfectly fit her colors so maybe a full 4 copies of her?
+1 from meI have a mono blue counterspell deck on my account - similar to this deck.
Sorry last thing :)This is a Sphinx's Tutelage deck so for sure you need t run the full 4 copies to make sure you find one at least once per game.
Also I didn't see this till now - 16 lands for sure won't work I run 24 usually
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