
3 Decks, 11 Comments, 2 Reputation

Just some 4-cmc 4/5 tramples w/ monstrosity. You know. May help w/ the win con

Posted 30 November 2014 at 06:44 in reply to #520127 on My anaconda don't want none...


Really great strategy you have going on here NoSeriously, great tempo and very fluid. Plus, those 1/2 mana's from City of Ass will really come in handy for the mid/late game. I would be sure to sideboard some Jabba the Hutt and BBC.

Posted 30 November 2014 at 06:30 as a comment on My anaconda don't want none...


Just my two cents: Sagu Mauler could be a good swap for Cockatrice. Since Prophet of Kruphix may already give your creatures flash, a 6/6 trample w/ hexproof is exactly what you need b/c you don't have any answers for instants/sorceries. I also really like the Hydra and may even put it in the main board over Impersonator/Brimaz in some way (maybe no Impersonators and x3 Brimaz and x3 Hydra). But otherwise your deck is already good the way it is, and it looks really fun to play.

Posted 29 October 2014 at 04:20 as a comment on Khans Bant Midrange


Also (now that I think about it), I would sub out the Blistercoil Weirds for Young Pyromancers, so if you are waiting around for the wombo combo and have to use counter spells and backup plans, you are at least getting chump blockers.

Posted 19 August 2014 at 05:37 as a comment on $25 Izzet 4 Turn Win (Theros)


I would suggest adding Swan Song x4. One drop counter spell, plus a 2/2 flying creature token shouldn't be a big deal if you're trying to kill your opponent by (realistically) turn 5 or 6.

Posted 19 August 2014 at 05:35 as a comment on $25 Izzet 4 Turn Win (Theros)


Just a thought, I would personally put in x4 Magma Jet > x4 Lightning Strike. That Scry 2 can really help you make a play!

Posted 19 August 2014 at 05:08 as a comment on budget guttersnipe
