I would say so many people were expecting Karn. Not a play set of Ugins lol
He was able to ramp just a little faster then me. He ran Scapeshift but also was running primes and Tribe elders main. It wasn't your typical scapeshift deck.
Alright I used this deck at a tourney last night and it didn't do half bad. I won a few booster packs. I really don't see the point in spell snare. With all these Collected company decks and Eldrazi running around It's pretty much a dead draw :/ I don't know if I should replace it with Spell snare or maybe add a few more creatures. What would any of you suggest?
Plus gut shot. lol
Yeah But What would be the point aside from removal of a birds or Noble? It's not like I can burn my opponent to deck with blue. I just question it is all...
Why would I splash red for only one red spell?
It really does set you back a turn or 2. Spreading seas is really underestimated sometimes. It's one of the reasons it kept me from reaching top 8 at my store. :/
Co-Co= Collected Company.
If my wallet would let me I would and just make blue moon. Sadly Blood moons where I go are going for 45 and up :'(
Where I go and play at people's decks are pretty greedy on their mana base. SO mant Co-co decks.
I would love to see that lol
Should they be in the sideboard?
What do you think of Fate transfer? Take all counters from one creature and put them onto another.
Maybe go down to 3 Cryptics? And take out the anticipates? maybe.
Should I take out the fetches? And what would I replace?
God forbid if this Mexican deck goes against a Wall deck lol ;)
I really like your version with the vampire. I would add some discard like thoughtsiese or inquisition of Kozilect. other that The deck is pretty much done.
Anything to brake thing in the ice. I want that as my win but ways of protecting it too.
Ok I did some changes. What do you think?
True What would you put in?
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