
12 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

I didn't say they are dead on turn five, I said they are usually damaged enough that Sanguine Bond would not help that much. Also Sanguine Bond has cycled out of standard. This way all I have to replace to make this completely tourney legal is the Vampire Nocturnus.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 19:38 in reply to #88092 on Vampires


Yeah I only have one Dragonskull Summit at this point. If I get more they will be in though.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 19:28 in reply to #88086 on Raze and Raise


It is a good card but I find it is slightly too expensive for me to bother with in this deck. They are usually close enough to dead by turn 5 that Sanguine bond is unnecessary. I do agree on the pulse trackers however and have replaced them.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 19:01 in reply to #88069 on Vampires


Thanks to you those are now Stagger shocks. I made this before Eldrazi came out.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 19:00 in reply to #88076 on Burn


Chandra's Outrage requires them to have creatures and is therefore useless on a control deck. Fireball and Comet storm are more expensive than I want to run in this deck. This deck is all about paying less than the damage dealt to the player. Trust me those are just unnecessary.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 18:59 in reply to #88080 on Burn
