Thank you very much for the feed back. Due to me being a beginner when it comes to trading card games my collection is very limited. I did manage to tweak it a little bit to go along with your suggestions after stopping by the card shop today.
Door of destinies is something I just added just to keep that in mind as well.
I really do appreciate your feed back. I actually stop by the card shop today and I changed the deck up. I believe it makes it a little more fun. I i took out three swamps because like you said with ragemonger it really doesn't make a difference. I also added 2 Door of destinies because unlike obelisk they get bigger and bigger.
I updated the deck to hopefully have a better kill factor. I only had one sunbond in my collection so far to add but I am on the look out for more. Thanks for the input.
I updated my deck. I think I made it a little better until I can get some money into to make it even better.
Let's get your feedback.
Thank you very much. I was looking at that as well. Do you think it would be possible with this deck to keep drawing with Immortality till the other player draws out?