Thank you so much for the input, I'll need to revise the list soon cuz your right the cards you suggested are nuts.I'm also gteatfull that I got this kind of feed back within the first day of me posting the list.Thanks.
You need more than 14 forests
I might add it to tiger more heroic and put more counters onto fabled hero. i will give some thought. I'm unsure of what I would take out. I might take out glade cover from the sideboard, but other than that im not sure.
thank you fox for the suggestions, ill add in most if not all of though things. thanks again.
At least 2 utvara hellkites, and some thundermaws if your going to play pre rotation, I'm running g/r dragons at the moment, and its super awesome. I like the 30$ budget cost well done
I knew I was going to make a dragon deck I soon as I learned that dragon egg, and scourge of vilkas was a thing, im sooooo happy that dragons can walk into FNM and not be laughed at. I am also happy that your deck is begging received so well on mtg vault, were as awsome decks like this almost never make it to the front page. I made a similar deck for somthing called a bad tribal format, that is hosted by my local game shop "the deckbox". Its modern but its really close to standard.
True the cost is high, but thats why were talking about the plunge. kraimer bro come on , don't hate on dragons
Plus DRAGONskull summit, you need 4 if your going to make a dragon themed deck yo.
Why would anyone get rid of dragon egg he's super cool, but I agree on the need for some utvara hellkite.
Long live green tribals
well it would take a REALLY long time to win the point is to boost up your smaller creature to say idk the power of 5 or more.... Awsome deck btw I love naya decks good job.
put in godsire, mycoil shepherd, or rakeclaw gargantuan. and mayael's aria is a must.
needs some bigger tokens like angles(Moonsilverspear, Entreat the Angels) or wurms(Armada wurm), and more populate, like growing ranks. I do like Doomed traveler, Assemble the legion and the fact that it's a naya deck.
This is nice, but the price is a little high. Also why are there 63 cards in the deck. still over all very nice
Real nice tym but were's the masters call
This deck Is very stomp indeed. I wonder if the mana could be faster ?
Yep just like you said this deck is about flinging goblins and I think the Archaemancer, is my favorite blue guy for a blue, red deck.(its totally burn). the only thing I would add is infernal plunge to work with your Krenko, Goblin Arsonist, and Archaemancer. I really like what you have put together.
I saw your deck right after I got done making my own Naya deck, under the same idea with Mayael's aria... you get to 20 you win the game. I was impressed, with the deck and I was able to take a couple ideas. The behemoths you have are awesome, also cards like jungle temple (i had no idea either of those cards existed so good job). I also feel like all the soul spells you have are good for the deck and also give it a good theme. the deck I have made is cheaper and more creature based, I have things like Godsire for example. who i think is super awesome and primordial hydra (also very cool). I have added some of the cards I have seen in your deck to mine that will help it greatly, so thanks for that.