From my understanding of how sundial works, is that it goes to you end step. So you have to do all end of turn triggers like ball lightning.
I would take out mugging for Searing spearto boot; just a better over all card.
What kind of tourney were you in; using duel lands and force of wills?
I'd love to use Boros Charms I just don't own any sadly, but they are a great card.
I think you have to much mana in the deck, and I don't care for Nissa; she's 4 mana for 3 loyalty counters. Very easy to kill.A great enchament I use to use for my mid range elf deck was Alpha status; you might want to take a look at it.
Nephalia is a nice card but the colorless mana kills me; and paying four mana to mill 3 cards is not cost effective. I prefer Norn's Annex because I can get it out on turn one and I prefer my opponents to lose 2 life instead of paying 2 mana( unless they are playing white). Memory erosion is not a bad idea because its milling people that I only have to pay for once; its very cost effective. Phage is in there because I always wanted to use her in a deck; I thought she would be fun to add into the deck and through offthe opponents. I'm not a fan of Lord of the Void personally, him and Phage are about the same to kill. I'd prefer Phage just for flavor. I did play test the deck in a 5 player free for all; I won 2 out of 3 games. I am enjoying it very much. Thank you Aviarry for your input, I greatly apperciate it.
This deck seems veryfun, the idea of adding Phage to a unblockable deck seems very fun. I might just ad her into the dimir deck I'm going to be making very soon. By the way it says that you have 100 islands; I'm not sure but I think you meant to have only 10 islands.
Glimpse the unthinkable are also a $10-$14 card. Mindsculpt are a cheap common and are easier to cast as well.
Eartcraft lol.
Try and use Aether Flash and Death Pits of Rath. very nice combo and you can back it up with dash hopes.
You don't have to dedicate entirely to mill (Black and Blue allies). I like the idea behind your deck though but see if you can find some 2-3 drop mill creatures I know there out there. also another great card to add would be Raven Guild Mage.
I don't think I really need any more mana ramps besides llanowar elves, because everything is a one drop besides the ledge walkers, wild defiance, and elvish champions. The wild defiance are in there to counter burn decks and to help me pump more, and the Elvish champion is in there to defeat other elf decks. Just play it on my turn give to my elves forest walk, it's pretty much over. This deck is designed to win wthin the first 3-5 turns.
I Think this deck is good but seems to be a little slow for an elf deck. It's still great but I'm a person how loves pump spells. and with the Eladamri and the steely Resolve. It would hurt you too. This is my Elf Deck if you want to take a look at it. Your deck is designed around more of a multplayer game and for the long hall; where as mine is desgined to win within 4-5 turns in a single player game. Ares just differ in what you want to do. Still a great deck though. Wraith of God still destroys us both lol :D