Dammit, not Origin Spellbomb, Shrine of Loyal Legions is what I meant.
I'm having trouble envisioning maindeck timely reinforcements, especially as a 4 of. Can you explain some of the reasoning there. It seems like a card tht at best needs to be slow-rolled and at worst does nothing, especially in multiples. If you take out those four and replace them with a creature (Blade Splicer, Hero of Bladehold & Accorder Paladin come to mind) I think you can be a little more proactive. Plus with more creatures you could conceivably handle a blue splash solely for Moorland Haunt. It seems pretty good with the token multipliers & enhancers. I hate to beat a dead horse, but . . . Gavony Township. Seems like you can beat sweepers by holding back and making the dudes you have bigger with it. And your color requirements are so meager, that it doesn't seem to have a downside. Also, any thought on Origin Spellbomb. For a slow-roller it seems more reliable than Reinforcements against an unkown opponent. Plus you get cantrip instead of lifegain, and way more potential upside. Sorry if I come across so negative, just lots of thoughts.
Not sure about Honor of the Pure either, and there seems to be tension between lifestaff and Reinforcements.
Bonds of Faith seems loose, and with your mana requirements Gavony Township seems like a natural fit.
Thanks, and yeah, I guess the artifacts are more of a main theme.
Thanks for the tip.