Cooking - Food (M)

by Grassfrog on 02 March 2024

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (1)

Sorceries (3)

Instants (3)

Enchantments (3)

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Deck Description

This deck is a clone of Yasmoth by Grassfrog.

Deck Tags

  • Golgari
  • Midrange
  • Asmo
  • Food
  • Artifact
  • urza's saga
  • Modern
  • Favourite

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 618 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Deck Format


NOTE: Set by owner when deck was made.

Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Cooking - Food (M)

Seems like Unmarked Grave would fit extremely well in here, as you've got 10 cards that want to be in the grave.

Posted 05 March 2024 at 04:26


I believe, in this deck, Unmarked Grave would not have the value you think it has. The value of that card stems from the card you target with it. It should be a target that, if it enters the battlefield, basically wins the game on its own, like Arcon of Cruelty, Atraxa, Griselbrand, Emrakul... This deck does not have such targets. Even the Troll King is not suited to "win a game on its own". On top of that, you want to cycle your creatures, like you can with Cookbook, or, once they are one the battlefield, with Witch's Oven. If Unmarked Grave would be a permanent card it might be a different matter. But putting a Daredevil in your Graveyard once for 2 mana just doesn't cut it, in my opinion (even if it may support your food engine) :/

On another note: I playtested the deck in roughly 6-9 games and got solid results!
Oc course my friends threw Collector Ouphes, Sanctifier en vec, and Stony Silence at me, which made game 2 and 3 quite difficult. Such is the destiny of a small kitchentable meta... Game 1 I comfortably won, after sideboard I either barely won, or were shut down completely. The odds were definitly against me. Post sideboard the Asmo shell falls apart quite easly, sadly :(

Posted 12 March 2024 at 05:59


Maybe it is not unmarked grave, but Goryo's Vengeance, we should consider. With Instant Reanimator on a rise this month, it becomes apparent to me, that this is an easy include in this deck, as well as an upgrade in powerlevel.
I really like the food cards, like Feasting Troll King, Cauldron Familiar, Asmo, Cookbook...all of it <3, but it's very linear, easy to disrupt, not very explosive, and sadly, far to fair to compete with modern tier 1 decks.

Probably change the following!?:

- 2 Trollking
- 1 Witch's Oven
- 4 Cauldron Familiar
or instead
- 2 Tyvar
- 1 Grist
- 2 Troll King
- 1 Haywire Mite

+ 4 Goryo's Vengeance
+ 2-3 Reanimator targets (Atraxa, Griselbrand, Emrakul, Ulamog...)

Posted 18 March 2024 at 05:50


I can see that, rainimator goes hand in hand with the delightful discard of the food mechanic. My concern with that would be that 2-3 targets without any way to throw targets in the grave from the deck makes for an unreliable combo

Posted 18 March 2024 at 23:09


That is true. The typical Asmo-shell does not have many discard outlets, or cards like Entomb/Unmarked Grave.
At this point you might go Unmarked Grave, Persist, Archon, or
play Goryo's Vengeance like mentioned above, both would synergize with the deck and act as a backup plan.

This deck, as most of mine, do not follow a single game plan. The Asmo-Package, Insidious Roots, as well as Urza's Saga all synergize extremely well with each other, while offering a different angle to win the game.
I am aware, that makes these decks less likely to be tier one. A single game strategie is more reliable, powerful, faster...

Goryo's Vengeance goes well with Asmo, it's faster, more explosive.
Persist synergizes better with the Troll King, I can still discard at instant speed with Cookbook, and the creature stays on the Battlefield.
We fuel Insidious Roots with both. It would be just another cog in the machinery... I am intrigued :D

It just begs the question, what is more useful in the long run. The planeswalkers and Haywire Mite maindeck, ore the reanimation of a single powerful creature.

Posted 19 March 2024 at 05:11
