
154 Decks, 23 Comments, 7 Reputation

That is true. The typical Asmo-shell does not have many discard outlets, or cards like Entomb/Unmarked Grave.
At this point you might go Unmarked Grave, Persist, Archon, or
play Goryo's Vengeance like mentioned above, both would synergize with the deck and act as a backup plan.

This deck, as most of mine, do not follow a single game plan. The Asmo-Package, Insidious Roots, as well as Urza's Saga all synergize extremely well with each other, while offering a different angle to win the game.
I am aware, that makes these decks less likely to be tier one. A single game strategie is more reliable, powerful, faster...

Goryo's Vengeance goes well with Asmo, it's faster, more explosive.
Persist synergizes better with the Troll King, I can still discard at instant speed with Cookbook, and the creature stays on the Battlefield.
We fuel Insidious Roots with both. It would be just another cog in the machinery... I am intrigued :D

It just begs the question, what is more useful in the long run. The planeswalkers and Haywire Mite maindeck, ore the reanimation of a single powerful creature.

Posted 19 March 2024 at 05:11 in reply to #650630 on Cooking - Food (M)


Maybe it is not unmarked grave, but Goryo's Vengeance, we should consider. With Instant Reanimator on a rise this month, it becomes apparent to me, that this is an easy include in this deck, as well as an upgrade in powerlevel.
I really like the food cards, like Feasting Troll King, Cauldron Familiar, Asmo, Cookbook...all of it <3, but it's very linear, easy to disrupt, not very explosive, and sadly, far to fair to compete with modern tier 1 decks.

Probably change the following!?:

- 2 Trollking
- 1 Witch's Oven
- 4 Cauldron Familiar
or instead
- 2 Tyvar
- 1 Grist
- 2 Troll King
- 1 Haywire Mite

+ 4 Goryo's Vengeance
+ 2-3 Reanimator targets (Atraxa, Griselbrand, Emrakul, Ulamog...)

Posted 18 March 2024 at 05:50 in reply to #650630 on Cooking - Food (M)


I believe, in this deck, Unmarked Grave would not have the value you think it has. The value of that card stems from the card you target with it. It should be a target that, if it enters the battlefield, basically wins the game on its own, like Arcon of Cruelty, Atraxa, Griselbrand, Emrakul... This deck does not have such targets. Even the Troll King is not suited to "win a game on its own". On top of that, you want to cycle your creatures, like you can with Cookbook, or, once they are one the battlefield, with Witch's Oven. If Unmarked Grave would be a permanent card it might be a different matter. But putting a Daredevil in your Graveyard once for 2 mana just doesn't cut it, in my opinion (even if it may support your food engine) :/

On another note: I playtested the deck in roughly 6-9 games and got solid results!
Oc course my friends threw Collector Ouphes, Sanctifier en vec, and Stony Silence at me, which made game 2 and 3 quite difficult. Such is the destiny of a small kitchentable meta... Game 1 I comfortably won, after sideboard I either barely won, or were shut down completely. The odds were definitly against me. Post sideboard the Asmo shell falls apart quite easly, sadly :(

Posted 12 March 2024 at 05:59 in reply to #650630 on Cooking - Food (M)


I see Asmo, I like!
I brewed several Asmo/Food decks, and play Asmo - Trash for Treasure in paper.
Inti seems to be a good fit in a low mana curve.
I play Steelseeker not only to get the lands, but to put my Trash for Treasure targets in the graveyard. It is a very grindy and slow card.
Inti is something of the opposite.
Since you play Inti, i wonder if you would profit more of Shrapnel Blast, or Lightning Bolts instead of a playset Steelseeker. It would be more explosive, and maximize your top deck, that you then exile and may play with the Inti trigger. In comparison to my Trash for Treasure version: Inti would be terrible there, since there are many bad cards to exile with Inti, because of the high CMC. My version wants to maximize on Steelseeker, while yours might want do maximize value on Inti. While both cards work in the deck, and even synergise (scry your top of library with Steelseeker, then profit with Inti exile trigger), you might want to focus more on Inti in this version of the deck.

Also, from personal experience: While I like the flavor of playing Galvanic Blast, it is more reliable to just play Lightning Bolt. Sadly...
You think it is easy to enable Galvanic Blast with all the Food and other artifacts, but Modern is a fast, competetive format. You need your Food to remove threats, your construct tokens will usually be quickly be disposed of, and suddenly you are left with something like two Cookbooks, missing that one last artifact. Even my Cookbooks get hated nowadays, since my playgroup is aware of the power and synergies that comes with them. It is easier to enable a Shrapnel Blast, and overall, it is more reliable to just play Bolt.

Are you certain, that you need 23 lands? I have been very content with only 22 lands, without even playing Wrenn and Six (only because I don't own it). With your curve peaking at 2, and the ability to recycle lands, I suggest 21 lands. You can be greedy and try 20 lands for a while and see how it works out for you.

Posted 02 January 2024 at 18:59 as a comment on Cookin' Gruel • Modern


Thanks! It took some trial and error to figure out how to make the deck resilient to aggro decks. Radiant Fountain, Candy Trail and Golden Egg gain us enough life for that, while Karn's Sylex is like Oblivion Stone in Modern, to reset the board if necessary. I believe a key component are the scry-lands, and Candy Trail. The ability to manipulate your top deck ensures consistent good draws. So far I have a good winrate with this deck :)

Posted 23 December 2023 at 23:05 in reply to #650509 on Ramp into Sylex (P)


I lost to basically exactly this decklist several times. It works, it makes comebacks when you wouldn't believe it, and it is versatile in it's ways to close the game. Nice deck. Have fun with it :)

Also, for other who have to play against it: Always kill the snoop!! :(

Posted 22 February 2023 at 06:44 as a comment on Goblin Modern Combo


:D Nice one. I just mixed and matched something similiar of a deck together, but in rakdos.
I believe Makeshift Munitions to be too slow for modern. The restriction to pay one mana per activation is severe :(
To be able to also sac artifacts with it is not enough of a benefit imo.
Goblin Bombardement is also a common, and enables you to sac your whole board if that nasty Fury visits to sweep all your goblins away.
Cleansing Wildfire is a nice play to ramp and draw cards, but doesn't fit your initial gameplan!?
It doesn't need to change, it just strikes me as odd.
Maybe there is something in boros that supports the gobbo-sac-strategy better? Also, tapped lands (Rustvale Bridge) in modern can be real bad. Losing that one turn, because your land entered tapped might easily lose you the game :(

I like the bouncing of your artifacts :D
Ephemerate (instead of cleansing wildfire) supports your bounce plan, and protects your non-token creatures. You would be able to draw so many cards *.*

Posted 22 February 2023 at 06:36 as a comment on Kuldotha Boros (Modern!?)


To me it looks like a modern oriented deck, hymn to tourach aside. If that is the case, just swap hymn to tourach with wrench mind and you are settled.

Other suggestions are adding 2-3 unearth, maybe cut funeral charm for it? Or cut bolt and charm by one each?
Skelemental is a really cool card, and your main game plan to finish the game, since emptying your opponents hand sadly won't be enough :P Having acces to that threat seems crucial to me! Especially, since it is so easily removed nowadays.

Personally I like to play fling instead of temur battle rage, I guess that's just a personal preference though?
They have different strength and weaknesses...

Posted 20 December 2022 at 06:33 as a comment on Oops No Hand


To maximize on those +1/+1 counters you might add a couple hydras.
Witherbloom Command has some utility and self mill. To specifically tutor for Death's Shadow you can use Unmarked Grave.
I crafted something like the following:

Posted 19 December 2022 at 17:51 as a comment on Death's Scavengers


You got a point regarding the triome! Since I am a mardu player, I will add the savai triome :) About the ephemerates I agree with SpliNter. Although you are right in saying, that they are a bad top deck, you want to make sure to ALWAYS have at least one in your game, preferable on your starting hand, or soon after. Cutting the playset may make it too unreliable to even play it in the first place!?

The number of equipments might be high at first glance, but it offers a flexibility to counteract your opponents deck as needed. I will argue, that the sword of feast and famine may be a bit overboard, since control decks are currently not as prominet!? But then again there are these (lovely) rakdos decks dominating the meta, so protection against push and terminate might be worth it?
Personally I would rather have "all the eqipment", than having more removal. The deck already has 9 creature removal spells, as well as 4 discard spells ON TOP of the elementals. I hadn't had a chance to playtest it yet (or anytime soon), but I would imagine that this already is quite a lot of interaction/removal.

Posted 12 October 2022 at 17:08 in reply to #648547 on Mystic Flicker (M)


Niiiice concept you got there. I play a lot of rakdos decks, and am experimenting especially with rakdos artifact decks (anvil sac, and currently asmo hollow one). The concept of asmo-academy manufactor-aether grid is already established. Your idea to use the mill mechanic is interesting! My friends would instantly argue, that there is no point in building a worse version of an already existing deck... I am talking about the established asmo-ather grid decks, as well as the established mill decks. BUT that is beside the point, in my opinion. This brew is interesting, and might be fun to play! :) Did you have the chance to playtest it?
I wonder if you should streamline you gameplan more. Away from the aether grid, more into the mill aspect.
Up the count of altar of the brood and codex shredder, maybe put in the grinding station.
I would skip the aether grid, as well as the cat-oven combo. It just doesn't support the mill plan enough, I believe.
Lower the shadow spear count (I know, it's super powerful, but having more then one is a trap).
I also like to play with a low landcount, hence I would like to suggest removing the springleaf drum (your average cmc is basically one!!) and swap the drossforge bridge with blackcleave cliffs, to have a reliable mana turn one. I believe it is not worth having that artifact land, if it comes tapped into play. It might be difficult to reliable cast the manufator at turn 3 though. If that turns out to be true, add the springleaf drum again, or, if you want to play it safe, just leave one in there ;)
Furthermore I suggest removing treasure vault, or lower its count to one. Most of the time you won't have enough mana to create more then one or two treasure token. Maybe up the count of darksteel forge. Colourless mana doesn't hurt you that much, and you up the number of artifacts for your construct tokens, if you really want it. But that is not you main game plan, and it might be better for you to have a blood crypt, haunted ridge, or dragonskull summit there. I do not believe, that the artifact lands are worth having them :/
At least in my kitchentable meta it is necessary to have cheap removal available at turn one, for that nasty ragavan -.- galvanic blast is my spell of choice. Ragavan would be a perfect fit for this deck too, and take the slot of voldaren epicure, having a better synergie with the manufactor, and being stronger overall. I like, that you avoided him :) I don't like him either :D

My take on your deck-concept is below :)

Posted 22 September 2022 at 12:23 as a comment on Book Burning • Modern


It sure is :/ I am experimenting with the number of sagas in my orzhov pox deck too. I believe 3 sagas would be safer, but then again I am slowly gaining the experience to know when to mull, and not play a saga, using them less as mana sources, and more as "spells". In my "dreams" I only need one black, and one generic mana in the first couple turns to cast Asmo and Cabal Initiate, since I do not want to cast Bloodghast, Silversmote Ghoul, or even Blazing Rootwalla the usual way, and most likely will cast Bolt, and Bone Shards in later turns. The mana Curve ends pretty much at 2 cmc, with colourless and black being the most needed types of mana. I hope to playtest it the coming weekend. If necessary, I can cut a cookbook and/or a Bone Shards to up the land count.

Posted 21 September 2022 at 10:28 in reply to #648427 on Hollow Soul-Vine (M)


I really like those cards. I played bedlam reveler in the old mardu midrange version, when faithless looting was still legal in modern. Vexing devil was part of a rakdos burn deck of mine once. I tend to cling to cards I like, even if they are out of meta :D

Funnily you posted right before I started playing the deck for the first time. I made some changes since then ;)

Posted 10 August 2022 at 15:56 in reply to #648134 on Ouch! It burns... (M)


On top of the above mentioned uses, I gamble for a turn 2 blood moon with strike it rich. It also makes the white sideboard cards easier to cast. You are right, it does not follow the burn-route, like the other instants/sorcerys, and is a bad top deck. I have the hope, that the occasional turn 2 blood moon makes up for the disadvantages. I did not yet had the chance to get a feeling if the gamble is worth it. Blood moon turn 2 can be tremendously strong, and outright win some games (happened in my first playtest), but the bad topdeck may be the reason you lose another game...
But so does top decking a blood moon or roiling vortex. Time will tell if the risk is worth the gamble.

Thanks for mentioning the 5 copys :D
After the first playtest I would like to test 4 blood moon main (for the above mentioned reasons), and added fury to possibly swap 4 copies of blood moon with 4 copies of fury post sideboard.

Posted 10 August 2022 at 15:53 in reply to #648135 on Ouch! It burns... (M)


Hi :)

I assume, this deck is build for fun, and not meant to be competetiv :D
Nevertheless, since I like vampire tribal and the life-gain/-drain mechanic, I'd like to make some suggestions.

You can substitute sanguine bond with vito, thorn of the duskrose (or play both). The combo still works with vito ;)
You can play sovereigns bite instead of blood tithe. As long as you play a 1v1, sovereigns bite should be your card of choice.

Stab wound may be an alternative to contaminated bond. It costs one mana more, but in exchange there is no condition on the life loss (and you weaken the opponents creature). It's not strictly better (both are kinda bad :D), it's just an alternative to consider.

I believe there are many (money-efficient) alternatives to blood burglar, too.
To make more use of blood artist, you need to be able to recycle a creature. The usual combo would be viscera seer (sac-outlet) and bloodghast (comes back to the battlefield every time you play a land). Instead of bloodghast you can play a cheaper (and sadly strictly worse in power-lvl) vampire: Oathsworn vampire! (you may cast him if you have gained life ;)

To go above and beyond with the sacrifice combo, you can play pawn of ulamog. He provides additional sacrifice targets that trigger blood artist, or provide the mana needed to cast your enchantment for your finishing combo.

Personally I would trim your high cmc cards drastically. Like having 2 exquisite blood and 2 sanguine bond (vito, thorn of duskrose) should suffice. Bloodbond vampire and bloodthirsty aeralist fill the same slot in case of functionality. You can cut some of them too ;)

Finally, one of my favourite cards: sign in blood. Draw to cards, loose 2 life. It fills up your hand if needed, or initiates your winning combo, since you can target your opponent aswell.

Posted 24 June 2021 at 08:58 as a comment on Bond, Blood Bond


Hi there :)
I would like to suggest lowering your cmc curve by a smitch. You peak at 3 cmc, and while that is not much for the pioneer format, I believe it is a bit much for this deck being an aggro deck. Especially with burning tree emissary you want to have a couple one and two drops to really flood the board asap.
Creatures to consider may be pelt collector, or robber of the rich (gives pseudo-card-draw and more options. Options are always good to have :)
Personally I would cut the reckless bushwhacker entirelly (and probably put 4 pelt collector in there).
While the rabblemaster enables your embercleave, that is not a board state to rely on. Rabblemaster is powerful enough to win the game on his own, if the opponent ignores him. -> So he will probably get removed before any other creature, is what I believe.
But if the opponent has some creatures on the board, rabblemaster looses much of his power, since you can't build up those tokens (because they have to attack and get blocked to death in the process).
So maybe cut 2 rabblemaster and put two robber of the rich in. Better mana curve, they have haste, and give you extra cards to play when your hand is empty.

PS: I really like questing beast in a gruul aggro deck. But glorybringer has its own advantages! I believe there is no need to swap them out for each other, maybe play a split of both of them if you really want to. Glorybringer on his own is already a really good choice :)

Posted 10 June 2021 at 08:42 as a comment on Gruul Aggro Pioneer


thx for the input! Sorry for not having a description yet. There will be one, some day :D

Sooo, while you are obiously right, that we wipe our own planeswalkers, I believe that can be easily fixed with the right sequencing.
Of couse we don't play a planeswalker in a boardstate that might be wiped soon. Those threats are meant to be played veeeery late! After we wiped the board a couple of times.
Star of extinction is the ultimate boardwipe, that may be played turn 4 with irencrag feat.
But sweltering suns is a good suggestion! It seems to be a good choice against early agression, and the cycling is good too. While we are at it, let's add storm's wrath, too! I took out guardian idol and one copy of mazemind tome, for 3 copys of storm's wrath and 2 copys of sweltering suns. Guardian idol just didn't seem right from the beginning :/

Posted 04 May 2021 at 19:10 in reply to #642111 on Burn it all! (H)


Exactly my cup of tea :)
I play two very similiar decks in which I tend to be very greedy with my manabase.
I suggest playing a considerable less number of lands. Around 19-20. Maybe 21, if you tend to be unlucky by all means.
This deck has the luxury of not necessarely counting the creatures above 3 cmc into the manacurve, since you are going to cheat them onto the battlefield with your planeswalker anyway.
Doing so would open slots for a playset of... well, whatever you like, really.
I see you use murderous rider in favor of silversmote ghoul. It is a powerful card, no doubt! But did you experience the value generated by silversmote ghoul and sorin? But anyway, I wouldn't hesitate to maybe play a third copy of the murderous rider. It is just that good of a card! Or instead keep the two copys and do a split between fatal push and Bloodchief's thirst. That would lower your manacurve and while instant speed is very useful, my experience made me value bloodchief's thirst more. Especially in Pioneer which has considerable higher cmc than modern, fatal push quickly fails to do the job, and I am no fan of heartless act from the getgo. For me this card was always too unreliable :/
I have learnt to respect anguished unmaking as a solid catch-all removal. Maybe that is a good addition for the sideboard, depending on the meta you play in.

Posted 25 February 2021 at 01:12 as a comment on Orzhov Vampire


Thx for the recommendation!

Posted 17 February 2021 at 18:54 in reply to #639470 on Relentless Dead (M)


I am incredibly impressed by that deck. I can't remember ever copying a decklist, but I can see myself playing this list as is right now. It contains many of my fav cards, utilizes one of my fav colour combinations, and all the cool mechanics I so dearly enjoy :D
Sadly I have not yet much of experience with smallpox. I designed one deck a few month back, but discarded the idea soon after. After that I build a Zombie-tribal with smallpox and "someone" recommended you :) Sadly I have not a lot to suggest here :/ While I looked for synergies with smallpox I stumbled upon "Dunes of the Dead". It goes well with the card itself, and with your deckplan of having tokens instead of creature cards. Since you play 3 Urborgs aswell the colourless mana should not be much of a problem, too. But I dont feel like they are "necessary" in this list. I may compromise your available mana colours early on, while the benefit does not outweigh that risk.

Anyway, really a fan of this deck <3

Posted 17 February 2021 at 18:37 as a comment on Modern Orzhov Pox


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