This deck is the shit. You should get rid of memory erosion and get Quest for ancient secrets. Therefore, you could grab your cards from the graveyard and it can help you out.
If you are having problems with your mom's deck. Alluring siren with Dread, and Purity will help. Vodalian Mage with Guile= great combo Ok deck that might help out with black deck.
In my opinion, there really aren't that many sphinx in this deck. Some of those walls are kinda unnecessary.
Pretty sweet... +1
What's a vampire deck without Kalitas, bloodchief of ghet? You also could get duul graz vampire too.
Never thought of that. I should get to that. Thanks for thy tip.
eldrazi momument is a bit a waste.
Wrong!!! What I meant is that some people just keep on saying all these awful comments and it ticks me off!!! I don't mind if they say you need this or that, what I won't stand is people insulting how they did it like "Deck looks like crap, maker should die in hell!" or "The devil will never accept this deck with your soul" I'm not trying to say that people should be big pals, its just that people insult them terribly and horribly. Everyone should have a right to say there something isn't right with this deck. Maybe those who insult badly are the who should shut up! No offense to anyone. This has happened to my friends who were made fun of during a local tournament in 2009.
Poison counters are fun indeed. Cool deck.
I think that maybe it won't work for legacy. I think my Goblin deck might work.
Reason is that I have the courage to post my worst deck. The bushido deck to use for legacy should be used for Standard block instead. Many people here don't like putting decks that they might think people are gonna be jerks and give -1 because they're too scared to place a deck like this awful one into a crowded area full of critics. This is the reason why some of friends who tried this out did not want to do it due to that everyone called their deck a failure. Why can't people just keep harsh opinions to themselves? Better yet why not help them in a kind help instead of being a jerk!!!
I do mind if you would not curse...
WHY do you have so little land?
Coat of arms does not really need to be there... Please check out my new deck. ID=37887
Pariah goes great with Cho-manno. Please check out my new deck ID= 37887
Please check out my new deck ID= 37887
Once again, this landfall deck needs Azusa, lost but seeking.
Azusa, lost but seeking would cause landfall into auto-win... Get taht card in cause it's cool.. Please check out my new deck= ID=37887
Pretty mana hungry. A couple Sol rings would help with those big costs!
Coat of arms...... Best for this deck...
21-40 of 97 items