well thnx for the idea but that would also take away the odds of getting valakut working and i dont like getting mana screwed so yeah.
draw some sample hands
deck thinning fast spells till you get the orb plaese i have not acutaly constructed this deck with cards so any suggestions good
at least one more
curse of the pierced heart? might want to add at least one
ponder is not legal any more is it? i thought it was banned
pride gardiun ? more life gain
but im open to suggestions i am almost done constructing it know im just waiting for some cards to ship
i was using the mono red deck on my page if yo want to see it
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo something very similar took the national title away from me in vintage format
how is this a contrpol deck
i was thinking that all color would be nice to activate abilities if i ever edit this deck
thnx for the idea
it only an 80$ deck i have a 250$ dollar deck
this is flat out bad is it a joke how would you get 7 black lotuses and why would you need them
21-35 of 35 items