If your trying to win with infect, get rid of the non infect creatures. Do one more Skithirix and 2 or 3 more dismembers. Other then that, it seems legit. Good job bro
I do have a question. What happens when Zur has, say 4 enchantments and Vanishing. What happens to the enchantments if Zur phases out?
That seems legit. I really love the deck. I might make it and try it out for my FNM's Commander tournament.
This is very cool! So like if you give Zur shroud, then infect, the make him unblockable, then give him double strike, you would beat face like a champ! I understand why you would put Diplomatic Immunity, but then i would put Steel of the God head on after that so he cant be blocked and destroyed. I love this deck. Great Job!
Thanks! I really like the Skullbriar EDH deck. Seems pretty ligit and good. But im tellin ya, TRIBAL SPIDERS FOR THE WIN!!
yes, like if your opponent plays mana leak, you can play Reverbarate copying the mana leak and counter their mana leak in response. Crazy huh? :)
I maybe think Skullbriar, the Walking Grave black green reanimation deck. I mean, he can kill your opponent with commander damage pretty fast.
Rawr to you to! Great deck by the way!
Geist o' Saint Traft For the WIN!
Very cool deck. I love Big Red. But why the Galvanic Blasts?