Also try adding more counterspells
Meloku the clouded mirrir and sacred mesa would awesome in this deck. Also you could try adding some revival spells because a well timed hurricane or tonado elemental could easily wipe out all your creaturesm
decree of justice
cool idea.
Moat just weakens this deck because your creatures wont be able to attack either. Also waht if your opponent doesnt have any flying creatures?
Yay Clay Buchholz pitched a no-hitter!!
This deck has to be tournament legal so I didnt add goblin lackey or goblin matron.
you dont need nightscape familiar or zombie cannibal, also get rid of crypt keeper. Get some undead warchiefs and festering goblins in there. You might also wanna consider gempalm polluter, graveborn muse or noxious ghoul.
i dont get it are you supposed to force your opponent to draw cards until they cant any more?
you have to gat mistform warchief in their.
cool deck
Add more mobilization and catapult master.
maybe add deptors knell.
get rid of demons jester and kagemaro. Add puzzlre box. Also more underworld dreams. Please checkout my morph power deck.
no elf deck without wirewood symbiote. Check out my morph power deck.
Get rid of sonic seizure and maybe consider addin some mirarior djinn iluminates. Please checkout may morph power deck and tell me what you think of it.
What is the strategy of this deck????????
Add some call to the graves and maybe some skirk ridge exhumers and ghastly remains. Also some unholy grottos. Please checkout my morph power deck and add comment.
why do you need terramorphic expanse just add some llanpwar elves. Please checkout my goblin burndown deck
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