I bet your deck bogs out sometimes and you are reduced to top decking a card once your hand is reduced. So try to trim some of your creatures and add some card drawing instants or sorceries. Too many Malikirs in main deck since he cost 5 and you may not face a white deck. Reduce to two or three copies at most. Extra might go to sideboard. Carnage Altar, Nighthaze, Sign in Blood, etc. help you draw into your deck.
Wizards can be frustrating for your opponent! Here is my suggestions: 4x Curse Catcher 4x Serindib Sorcerer 4x Stony Brook Bannerett 4x Temporal adept 3x Fate spinner 3x Nameless One 2x Void Mage Prodigy Creature spells 24x 4x Counter Spell 3x Rite of Replication 2x Sages Dousing 9x spells 33 spells 23x Lands (your mix) So that 56 spells. I suggest that you stream line 4 of your creatures so you have 8 slots open. Keep your deck at exactly 60 cards. The open 4 slots and 4 slots created by removing 4 of your Wizards should be deck manipulation/card drawing type to help you get key cards into your hand by manipulating your deck and drawinging into your deck. The Replicates let you copy an opponent's creature if you don't want to counter it. If they have to skip one of their phases - draw, main, or combat this will be very perplexing for them. But if you generate 10 mana you can make 5 copies of your Nameless One! Another consideration is a mana artifact so you can generate extra mana. Review the Wizards I didn't include and if they help meet specific kinds of threats you may face add them to your sideboard and pre-determine what you would take out of your maindeck one for one in order to sidboard them into the deck. Sideboard may want some kind of Boomerang/bounce card to go with the Wzards. that is a nice set of Wizards.
I looked at this some more and while my dog chased me until I tricked him to go outside I rememberd an idea I had for your sideboard! Add a Swamp! (Replace it with Plains when sideboarding) Why? Use your same concept to erradicate their hand with Bala Ged Thief - a black Ally that allows you to select a card from your opponents hand for discard! And I added a card to complement it. If you can't get enough cards milled into their deck then make them suffer anyway. Count the number of cards in their graveyard and hit them with the largest X in Suffer the Past your mana will generate! They lose life and you gain life. You can even replace Ondu Cleric (since this gives you life gain), but it will win too! And if you decide to replace the cleric you'll have room for other spells in your sideboard. I like the Vines of Vastwood, but if facing a discard nusance deck, then Canopy Cover can protect a key Ally. What do you think about the Canopy. Finally, what have you used into the roil for in your play testing? I ask because I like Call to Heel - I can save an Ally from destruction and I get to draw a card and recast him or her again! And I think the land count is a tad high, but one of your key spells, Rite of Replication cost 4 to play. The risky part of a third turn harrow, even though you will have four mana and can cast an Ally with the lands obtained is that you are tapped out. A burn deck or black creature removal can hit your Allys then - so it is worth thinking about that.
Because you can generate a lot of mana, if you are able to reach 10 with Hrabaz, then Druid the Sadistic Sacrement- when kicked, removes 15 cards of your choice - nice candidate for sideboard. Another alternative for sideboard to help you deal with Planes Walkers - remove them from their hand and any other cards that happen do be in their hand is to replicate a Bala Ged Thief (Human Rogue Ally!) So he fuels your mana effect since it is an ally - put a swamp in sideboard to switch for plains. There is also a non ally black creature that makes your opponent discard on how much kicker you can pay the cost of... But the Thief adds synergy and would be excellent in your sideboard. Another idea for a second card is to add Rolling Terrain and a Mountain. You can knock out a PlanesWalker and destroy a Celestial Colonade at the same time! I'm using a Red/Blue ally deck - but I don't have your mana ramp/acceleration so actually do early damage with my small allys early and mill as many cards as I can before they Day of Judgement my allys. Then I surprise them with Rolling Terrain. Fetch lands just add to the damage besides the lands milled into their graveyard. I also like the red trap, Runeflare Trap which does damage based on number of cards in their hand when your opponent draws three cards on their turn. Many players are playing Time Walks and Howling Mines so Runeflare and Rolling Terrain can be devastating.
First, try to get deck to 60 cards. (posted as 62 cards) Your deck needs some type of "mana ramp" so you can cast those expensive Aldrazi Spells. You have too many Aldrazi Spells and too little land. Also your deck doesn't ssem to have any mana ramp cards/spells that help you get extra mana into play . Try 24 lands:- 16x Forest, 4x Khalni Garden, and 4x Evolving wilds. MtG's new Deck Builder's Tool Kit has a strategy guide that suggests a mana ramp. (You play spells rather than creatures early that let you get more manna into play than just 1 per turn) By turn 4 you want 7 mana in play and an 8th in your hand. Combined with Aldrazi colorless token creatures that sacrifice to add mana to play spells or effects with you should be able to play an Aldrazi creature by turn 5. Deck Builder's suggest using Rampant Growth & Fronteir Guide to get extra mana out - 4 copies of each. Another mana ramp can be built with Harrow 4x and Khani Heart Expedition 4x. That will allow you to play the smaller Aldrazi creatures. The ones that cost 8 or 9 mana. Too turbo it up more in order to play the larger Aldrazi creatures add another ramp card or two: Armillary Sphere lets you search for 2 basic lands and out them into your hand. If you prefer adding mana creatures try Overgrown Battlement (Defender, but toughness of 4) or Joraga Treespeaker - provides two green mana when tapped after being leveled only to its 1st level. Other cards to consider are spells and creatures that come into play with colorless Aldrazi tokens. So decide whether or not you want to focus on the lower casting cost Aldrazi or larger casting cost. Try to cut 4 Aldrazi spells and 6 of something else from your deck to allow you to add the 8 ramp cards and cut it down to 60 cards. Try it out. Keep the 4 Fog cards in as they allow you to survive your opponent's attack extra turns until your Aldrazi are ready to attack.
This deck has three ways to abuse the mana curve! 1) Pawn of Ulamog generates 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn Creature tokens each time one of your creatures is put into the graveyard which can be sacrificed for colorless mana. 2) Crypt of Agadeem generates extra mana when you have three or more black creatures in your graveyard. 3) Everflowing Chalice. Use the extra mana to sacrifice creatures to the altar to draw cards, pump your Gruul Draz Assassin, or to use the Keening Stone all your sacrifices generated! An unblockable Guul Draz Vampire welding a blade is a formidable threat. Keep your opponents hand empty with the Rotting Rats. Need more hand destruction? Sideboard in Bloodhusk Ritualist who will also help you use up all the extra mana you are generating when you pump his kicker with it!
Some good changes. Have you had a chance to play test it? I think that it might be wise to get rid of the Nomads Assembly - even if you get 6 mana on the table most of your creatures will be gone by then. I'd add the other Kor Outfitter (can win the game almost on turn 3 because of him) and Brave the Elements or 1 Lapse of Certainty - an extra turn without a Planeswalker on the table can be "Huge"! If you test and notice that you get just a tad bit more equipment in hand then you can equip think about removing one and adding another skyfisher because she is so versatile. You need enough creatures in a weenie deck and the right amount of equipment. A ratio of 3 creature to every 1 equipment is about right. remember equipment gives you card advantage because it stays when a Kor soldier dies and another soldier can pick it up - at least i don't think it is bad luck. Heck that is how most of us Goblins get our knives - we take them out of other dead Goblins!
check out the Kor march deck - it has been winning local tourneys with Boots and other equipment -this was some notes attached to the deck. I added the notes bwlow to another Kor deck. Before playing the posted deck I added two more equipment cards, another Firewalker, and removed three Lapse of Cetainty - needed to be sure to have 2 pieces of equipment out early and lapse of Certainty only gets played once. Hi. Your Goblinguide reporting in. Took second in a Weekly Standard tourney with my Kor March deck. Looked at your deck. First, drop the spells. With only 22 mana you will not be alive long enough to cast them. White Weenie/tribal needs to win fast. Someone brought up a good concern - Malakir Bloodwitch. With all the non-basic lands being used my deck was built around 4x Trailblazer's Boots! Kitesail Apprentice and Kor Duelist inflicted damage early with the boots, even if a Bloodwitch comes into play. Kor Outfitter allows me to equip free to any Kor. So I like to drop Armament Master followed by Kor Outfitter. Hint: You can put multiple equipment on Armament Master to make your soldiers march faster! Kor Duelist can inflict 10 points of damage alone on turn 3 with double strike. The second choice is which other equipment to use, besides Boots. While pondering that you need to main deck Kor Firewalker or Devout Lightcaster. I prefer firewalker due to speed (casting cost) and S.B. in the Lightcaster. Because blue mages like to change a Plains into an Island you may not get Lightcaster out since it cost 3 white mana and you have to consider the meta game. As a sideboard card Lightcaster is awesome because she is played two turns earlier than a Bloodwitch. Also, the Bloodwitch can't block her and you can't block the Boodwitch. Your early march damage should put you ahead in the damage race. Lone Missionary is a great S.B. card to offset life loss while your army slips through with the Boots or flys over with Kor Skyfisher - which returns a Missionary to give you more life - just what God is for! Skyfisher is amazing because he can return a land that has been enchanted by your opponent or allow you to replay a Sejiri Steppe. I haven't forgotten the other equipment, so keep pondering. Brave the Elements is an amazing instant for one white mana. Read it carefully. White creatures you control is the text rather than target creature is the text. All your white Kor soldiers, not just a single target, get protection from a color. Use it to finish an opponent or to protect Armament Master. Always keep one white mana available. A Sejiri Steppe can make sure your largest creature damages your opponent, especially when combined with Brave the Elements in case they have two colors. Kor Skyfisher also allows you to return a creature to your hand after it has attacked so you can recast it untapped and defend if need be. It is great if your opponent uses Planeswalkers to tap your creatures. So play your other Kor Soldiers before playing a Skyfisher if possible. An amazing instant to keep in your S.B. for the right matchups is Celestial Purge. It can remove pesky blue/black unblockable land creatures (becomes a black permanent) when they attack, then Surprise! And Celestial Purge removes Bloodghast and other permaments from the game so it can't return to play with the Landfall mechanic! Or it can also removes certain Planeswalkers. Sorry, but Oblivion Ring has to remove a blue Planeswalker. So now that your army has some resources it needs additional equipment. Magebane Armor is a tad slow, but is great against red burn which is noncombat damage. In combat the 2/4 bonus makes it had to kill your Kor soldier. It is ideal on Armament Master as your other Kor get bonuses and it takes two lightening bolts to kill a Kor soldier which is a kind of card advantage. Three copies are plenty since it cost three to play. Add in two Trusty Machete and your Kor soldiers will have Boots, Armor, and a Machete. Makes me want to join a Goblin army. Are they as equipped as well? So this is a well equipped army. One last Army secret to share. Main deck one Lapse of Certainty. This card is amazing if played on the correct turn because it acts like a Time Walk - you get another turn and your opponent has to draw the same card on their next turn. It stops Wrath of God (it might as well be called that - Day of Judgement) , a Planeswalker, or whatever for that extra turn needed to finish an opponent. So keep three mana open before your opponent drops their fourth land if playing against Blue/White, or since most Planeswalkers cost 5 mana have your spell ready to counter before they play a fifth land. The extra turn is the difference in many a game. When I was a Goblin Lackey the Goblin King sent me for punishment. The Goblin Marshall showed compassion. He asked me if I would like to be boiled today while the water wasn't as hot or to be boiled tomorrow. Fortunately, it rained the next day. It always helps to get another turn and another card so think of Lapse of Certainty that way. I hope that helps. Oh, one other card I had in my S.B. (I had to S.B. all 15 cards against a red/black Vampire Deck) was Repel the Darkness. It taps up to two target creatures and you draw a card! Against control decks then tap your own creatures at the end of their turn if you need to draw a card, or wait to use it tap a land that becomes a creature so it can't attack. The Kor Army kicked me out since I'm a Goblin and can't keep step. (Hup two, three......I can't remember what comes after three). My Kor March deck has nothing over three mana because they need to march light and fast to strike before the dawn! Top Secret: I over heard the Kor soldiers discuss using Blazing Torches against the Bloodwitch, but that is a lot of weight (torches need fuel) and so they left the Blazing Torch out of the sideboard since it has only a singular purpose, better to have good Boots they decided.. 4 hours ago by goblinguide Reply | Report
By the way I added some comments and improvements to my Kor March deck. Take a look. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=61446 Your deck needs some more support spells spells. Remove 9 creatures: 2 Hagra Diabolist, 2 Agadeem Occultist, 1 Bala Ged Thief, 1 Harabaz Druid - you choose the other 3 - perhaps no more than 3x of any type of Ally is a good guide to go by. Try 3 Soul Stair Expedition, 3 Carnage Altar, and 3 Duress. Use the Altar like a counterspell - after blocking, attacking, or if a creature is targeted sacrifice it to draw a card. Use Duress before an opponent plays a 4th land (white decks), 5th land against Planeswalkers, and after first land against (blue - counterspell decks) etc. Expedition allows you to select from and return key creatures from your graveyard - as good as a blue draw spell. Add in 4x Evolving Wilds lands - it fuels your Expedition, obtains a specific basic land like a Forest and it thins your deck to increase the probability of drawing a spell or Ally. If it is a land use it fuel your expedition. Once I have enough lands in play I hold additional lands in my hand to keep my opponent wondering or pondering what my card may be! Your four white spells are good. Sideboard: Remove the creatures and lands. Keep the 3x Oblivion Rings and only 1x Path to Exile, 3x Celestial purge(great against certain land creatures, Planeswalkers, and Vampires like Bloodghast), 3 Quest for the Gravelord (use against red burn decks and mirror decks) 2x Day of Judgement (for mirror matches and other creature decks because the Altar, Expedition, and Quest for the Graveyard allow you to recover faster than your opponent) and 3x Vendetta. Grim Discovery is an alternative to Soul Stare Expedition, especially if you have pain lands that are sacrificed to obtain a land. They are $10 cards - use them in place of Evolving Wilds if you have them. Let me know what you think. Since I am a Goblin Guide let me make one other suggestion. Write down which cards are sideboarded in to face various decks in the meta game and write down which cards are removed when you sideboard. You need to figure this out before entering a tournament by play testing, etc. Finally write down key questions and provide an honest objective answer - write it down too. How does my deck win or what is its win condition? For example, I win by swarming my opponent. Then ask; What prevents you from winning that way most of the time when you play other tournament quality decks?
I added the notes bwlow to another Kor deck. Before playing the posted deck I added two more equipment cards, another Firewalker, and removed three Lapse of Cetainty - needed to be sure to have 2 pieces of equipment out early and lapse of Certainty only gets played once. Hi. Your Goblinguide reporting in. Took second in a Weekly Standard tourney with my Kor March deck. Looked at your deck. First, drop the spells. With only 22 mana you will not be alive long enough to cast them. White Weenie/tribal needs to win fast. Someone brought up a good concern - Malakir Bloodwitch. With all the non-basic lands being used my deck was built around 4x Trailblazer's Boots! Kitesail Apprentice and Kor Duelist inflicted damage early with the boots, even if a Bloodwitch comes into play. Kor Outfitter allows me to equip free to any Kor. So I like to drop Armament Master followed by Kor Outfitter. Hint: You can put multiple equipment on Armament Master to make your soldiers march faster! Kor Duelist can inflict 10 points of damage alone on turn 3 with double strike. The second choice is which other equipment to use, besides Boots. While pondering that you need to main deck Kor Firewalker or Devout Lightcaster. I prefer firewalker due to speed (casting cost) and S.B. in the Lightcaster. Because blue mages like to change a Plains into an Island you may not get Lightcaster out since it cost 3 white mana and you have to consider the meta game. As a sideboard card Lightcaster is awesome because she is played two turns earlier than a Bloodwitch. Also, the Bloodwitch can't block her and you can't block the Boodwitch. Your early march damage should put you ahead in the damage race. Lone Missionary is a great S.B. card to offset life loss while your army slips through with the Boots or flys over with Kor Skyfisher - which returns a Missionary to give you more life - just what God is for! Skyfisher is amazing because he can return a land that has been enchanted by your opponent or allow you to replay a Sejiri Steppe. I haven't forgotten the other equipment, so keep pondering. Brave the Elements is an amazing instant for one white mana. Read it carefully. White creatures you control is the text rather than target creature is the text. All your white Kor soldiers, not just a single target, get protection from a color. Use it to finish an opponent or to protect Armament Master. Always keep one white mana available. A Sejiri Steppe can make sure your largest creature damages your opponent, especially when combined with Brave the Elements in case they have two colors. Kor Skyfisher also allows you to return a creature to your hand after it has attacked so you can recast it untapped and defend if need be. It is great if your opponent uses Planeswalkers to tap your creatures. So play your other Kor Soldiers before playing a Skyfisher if possible. An amazing instant to keep in your S.B. for the right matchups is Celestial Purge. It can remove pesky blue/black unblockable land creatures (becomes a black permanent) when they attack, then Surprise! And Celestial Purge removes Bloodghast and other permaments from the game so it can't return to play with the Landfall mechanic! Or it can also removes certain Planeswalkers. Sorry, but Oblivion Ring has to remove a blue Planeswalker. So now that your army has some resources it needs additional equipment. Magebane Armor is a tad slow, but is great against red burn which is noncombat damage. In combat the 2/4 bonus makes it had to kill your Kor soldier. It is ideal on Armament Master as your other Kor get bonuses and it takes two lightening bolts to kill a Kor soldier which is a kind of card advantage. Three copies are plenty since it cost three to play. Add in two Trusty Machete and your Kor soldiers will have Boots, Armor, and a Machete. Makes me want to join a Goblin army. Are they as equipped as well? So this is a well equipped army. One last Army secret to share. Main deck one Lapse of Certainty. This card is amazing if played on the correct turn because it acts like a Time Walk - you get another turn and your opponent has to draw the same card on their next turn. It stops Wrath of God (it might as well be called that - Day of Judgement) , a Planeswalker, or whatever for that extra turn needed to finish an opponent. So keep three mana open before your opponent drops their fourth land if playing against Blue/White, or since most Planeswalkers cost 5 mana have your spell ready to counter before they play a fifth land. The extra turn is the difference in many a game. When I was a Goblin Lackey the Goblin King sent me for punishment. The Goblin Marshall showed compassion. He asked me if I would like to be boiled today while the water wasn't as hot or to be boiled tomorrow. Fortunately, it rained the next day. It always helps to get another turn and another card so think of Lapse of Certainty that way. I hope that helps. Oh, one other card I had in my S.B. (I had to S.B. all 15 cards against a red/black Vampire Deck) was Repel the Darkness. It taps up to two target creatures and you draw a card! Against control decks then tap your own creatures at the end of their turn if you need to draw a card, or wait to use it tap a land that becomes a creature so it can't attack. The Kor Army kicked me out since I'm a Goblin and can't keep step. (Hup two, three......I can't remember what comes after three). My Kor March deck has nothing over three mana because they need to march light and fast to strike before the dawn! Top Secret: I over heard the Kor soldiers discuss using Blazing Torches against the Bloodwitch, but that is a lot of weight (torches need fuel) and so they left the Blazing Torch out of the sideboard since it has only a singular purpose, better to have good Boots they decided..
I attached this report to another Kor deck some of the ideas may be helpful. Hi.Your Goblinguide reporting in. Took second in a Weekly Standard tourney with my Kor March deck. Looked at your deck. First, drop the spells. With only 22 mana you will not be alive long enough to cast them. White Weenie/tribal needs to win fast. Someone brought up a good concern - Malakir Bloodwitch. With all the non-basic lands being used my deck was built around 4x Trailblazer's Boots! Kitesail Apprentice and Kor Duelist inflicted damage early with the boots, even if a Bloodwitch comes into play. Kor Outfitter allows me to equip free to any Kor. So I like to drop Armament Master followed by Kor Outfitter. Hint: You can put multiple equipment on Armament Master to make your soldiers march faster! Kor Duelist can inflict 10 points of damage alone on turn 3 with double strike. The second choice is which other equipment to use, besides Boots. While pondering that you need to main deck Kor Firewalker or Devout Lightcaster. I prefer firewalker due to speed (casting cost) and S.B. in the Lightcaster. Because blue mages like to change a Plains into an Island you may not get Lightcaster out since it cost 3 white mana and you have to consider the meta game. As a sideboard card Lightcaster is awesome because she is played two turns earlier than a Bloodwitch. Also, the Bloodwitch can't block her and you can't block the Boodwitch. Your early march damage should put you ahead in the damage race. Lone Missionary is a great S.B. card to offset life loss while your army slips through with the Boots or flys over with Kor Skyfisher - which returns a Missionary to give you more life - just what God is for! Skyfisher is amazing because he can return a land that has been enchanted by your opponent or allow you to replay a Sejiri Steppe. I haven't forgotten the other equipment, so keep pondering. Brave the Elements is an amazing instant for one white mana. Read it carefully. White creatures you control is the text rather than target creature is the text. All your white Kor soldiers, not just a single target, get protection from a color. Use it to finish an opponent or to protect Armament Master. Always keep one white mana available. A Sejiri Steppe can make sure your largest creature damages your opponent, especially when combined with Brave the Elements in case they have two colors. Kor Skyfisher also allows you to return a creature to your hand after it has attacked so you can recast it untapped and defend if need be. It is great if your opponent uses Planeswalkers to tap your creatures. So play your other Kor Soldiers before playing a Skyfisher if possible. An amazing instant to keep in your S.B. for the right matchups is Celestial Purge. It can remove pesky blue/black unblockable land creatures (becomes a black permanent) when they attack, then Surprise! And Celestial Purge removes Bloodghast and other permaments from the game so it can't return to play with the Landfall mechanic! Or it can also removes certain Planeswalkers. Sorry, but Oblivion Ring has to remove a blue Planeswalker. So now that your army has some resources it needs additional equipment. Magebane Armor is a tad slow, but is great against red burn which is noncombat damage. In combat the 2/4 bonus makes it had to kill your Kor soldier. It is ideal on Armament Master as your other Kor get bonuses and it takes two lightening bolts to kill a Kor soldier which is a kind of card advantage. Three copies are plenty since it cost three to play. Add in two Trusty Machete and your Kor soldiers will have Boots, Armor, and a Machete. Makes me want to join a Goblin army. Are they as equipped as well? So this is a well equipped army. One last Army secret to share. Main deck one Lapse of Certainty. This card is amazing if played on the correct turn because it acts like a Time Walk - you get another turn and your opponent has to draw the same card on their next turn. It stops Wrath of God (it might as well be called that - Day of Judgement) , a Planeswalker, or whatever for that extra turn needed to finish an opponent. So keep three mana open before your opponent drops their fourth land if playing against Blue/White, or since most Planeswalkers cost 5 mana have your spell ready to counter before they play a fifth land. The extra turn is the difference in many a game. When I was a Goblin Lackey the Goblin King sent me for punishment. The Goblin Marshall showed compassion. He asked me if I would like to be boiled today while the water wasn't as hot or to be boiled tomorrow. Fortunately, it rained the next day. It always helps to get another turn and another card so think of Lapse of Certainty that way. I hope that helps. Oh, one other card I had in my S.B. (I had to S.B. all 15 cards against a red/black Vampire Deck) was Repel the Darkness. It taps up to two target creatures and you draw a card! Against control decks then tap your own creatures at the end of their turn if you need to draw a card, or wait to use it tap a land that becomes a creature so it can't attack. The Kor Army kicked me out since I'm a Goblin and can't keep step. (Hup two, three......I can't remember what comes after three). My Kor March deck has nothing over three mana because they need to march light and fast to strike before the dawn! Top Secret: I over heard the Kor soldiers discuss using Blazing Torches against the Bloodwitch, but that is a lot of weight (torches need fuel) and so they left the Blazing Torch out of the sideboard since it has only a singular purpose, better to have good Boots they decided..
Hi. Posted this to another deck - see final note at bottom. Your Goblinguide reporting in. Took second in a Weekly Standard tourney with my Kor March deck. Looked at your deck. First, drop the spells. With only 22 mana you will not be alive long enough to cast them. White Weenie/tribal needs to win fast. Someone brought up a good concern - Malakir Bloodwitch. With all the non-basic lands being used my deck was built around 4x Trailblazer's Boots! Kitesail Apprentice and Kor Duelist inflicted damage early with the boots, even if a Bloodwitch comes into play. Kor Outfitter allows me to equip free to any Kor. So I like to drop Armament Master followed by Kor Outfitter. Hint: You can put multiple equipment on Armament Master to make your soldiers march faster! Kor Duelist can inflict 10 points of damage alone on turn 3 with double strike. The second choice is which other equipment to use, besides Boots. While pondering that you need to main deck Kor Firewalker or Devout Lightcaster. I prefer firewalker due to speed (casting cost) and S.B. in the Lightcaster. Because blue mages like to change a Plains into an Island you may not get Lightcaster out since it cost 3 white mana and you have to consider the meta game. As a sideboard card Lightcaster is awesome because she is played two turns earlier than a Bloodwitch. Also, the Bloodwitch can't block her and you can't block the Boodwitch. Your early march damage should put you ahead in the damage race. Lone Missionary is a great S.B. card to offset life loss while your army slips through with the Boots or flys over with Kor Skyfisher - which returns a Missionary to give you more life - just what God is for! Skyfisher is amazing because he can return a land that has been enchanted by your opponent or allow you to replay a Sejiri Steppe. I haven't forgotten the other equipment, so keep pondering. Brave the Elements is an amazing instant for one white mana. Read it carefully. White creatures you control is the text rather than target creature is the text. All your white Kor soldiers, not just a single target, get protection from a color. Use it to finish an opponent or to protect Armament Master. Always keep one white mana available. A Sejiri Steppe can make sure your largest creature damages your opponent, especially when combined with Brave the Elements in case they have two colors. Kor Skyfisher also allows you to return a creature to your hand after it has attacked so you can recast it untapped and defend if need be. It is great if your opponent uses Planeswalkers to tap your creatures. So play your other Kor Soldiers before playing a Skyfisher if possible. An amazing instant to keep in your S.B. for the right matchups is Celestial Purge. It can remove pesky blue/black unblockable land creatures (becomes a black permanent) when they attack, then Surprise! And Celestial Purge removes Bloodghast and other permaments from the game so it can't return to play with the Landfall mechanic! Or it can also removes certain Planeswalkers. Sorry, but Oblivion Ring has to remove a blue Planeswalker. So now that your army has some resources it needs additional equipment. Magebane Armor is a tad slow, but is great against red burn which is noncombat damage. In combat the 2/4 bonus makes it had to kill your Kor soldier. It is ideal on Armament Master as your other Kor get bonuses and it takes two lightening bolts to kill a Kor soldier which is a kind of card advantage. Three copies are plenty since it cost three to play. Add in two Trusty Machete and your Kor soldiers will have Boots, Armor, and a Machete. Makes me want to join a Goblin army. Are they as equipped as well? So this is a well equipped army. One last Army secret to share. Main deck one Lapse of Certainty. This card is amazing if played on the correct turn because it acts like a Time Walk - you get another turn and your opponent has to draw the same card on their next turn. It stops Wrath of God (it might as well be called that - Day of Judgement) , a Planeswalker, or whatever for that extra turn needed to finish an opponent. So keep three mana open before your opponent drops their fourth land if playing against Blue/White, or since most Planeswalkers cost 5 mana have your spell ready to counter before they play a fifth land. The extra turn is the difference in many a game. When I was a Goblin Lackey the Goblin King sent me for punishment. The Goblin Marshall showed compassion. He asked me if I would like to be boiled today while the water wasn't as hot or to be boiled tomorrow. Fortunately, it rained the next day. It always helps to get another turn and another card so think of Lapse of Certainty that way. I hope that helps. Oh, one other card I had in my S.B. (I had to S.B. all 15 cards against a red/black Vampire Deck) was Repel the Darkness. It taps up to two target creatures and you draw a card! Against control decks then tap your own creatures at the end of their turn if you need to draw a card, or wait to use it tap a land that becomes a creature so it can't attack. The Kor Army kicked me out since I'm a Goblin and can't keep step. (Hup two, three......I can't remember what comes after three). My Kor March deck has nothing over three mana because they need to march light and fast to strike before the dawn! Top Secret: I over heard the Kor soldiers discuss using Blazing Torches against the Bloodwitch, but that is a lot of weight (torches need fuel) and so they left the Blazing Torch out of the sideboard since it has only a singular purpose, better to have good Boots they decided..
Hi.Your Goblinguide reporting in. Took second in a Weekly Standard tourney with my Kor March deck. Looked at your deck. First, drop the spells. With only 22 mana you will not be alive long enough to cast them. White Weenie/tribal needs to win fast. Someone brought up a good concern - Malakir Bloodwitch. With all the non-basic lands being used my deck was built around 4x Trailblazer's Boots! Kitesail Apprentice and Kor Duelist inflicted damage early with the boots, even if a Bloodwitch comes into play. Kor Outfitter allows me to equip free to any Kor. So I like to drop Armament Master followed by Kor Outfitter. Hint: You can put multiple equipment on Armament Master to make your soldiers march faster! Kor Duelist can inflict 10 points of damage alone on turn 3 with double strike. The second choice is which other equipment to use, besides Boots. While pondering that you need to main deck Kor Firewalker or Devout Lightcaster. I prefer firewalker due to speed (casting cost) and S.B. in the Lightcaster. Because blue mages like to change a Plains into an Island you may not get Lightcaster out since it cost 3 white mana and you have to consider the meta game. As a sideboard card Lightcaster is awesome because she is played two turns earlier than a Bloodwitch. Also, the Bloodwitch can't block her and you can't block the Boodwitch. Your early march damage should put you ahead in the damage race. Lone Missionary is a great S.B. card to offset life loss while your army slips through with the Boots or flys over with Kor Skyfisher - which returns a Missionary to give you more life - just what God is for! Skyfisher is amazing because he can return a land that has been enchanted by your opponent or allow you to replay a Sejiri Steppe. I haven't forgotten the other equipment, so keep pondering. Brave the Elements is an amazing instant for one white mana. Read it carefully. White creatures you control is the text rather than target creature is the text. All your white Kor soldiers, not just a single target, get protection from a color. Use it to finish an opponent or to protect Armament Master. Always keep one white mana available. A Sejiri Steppe can make sure your largest creature damages your opponent, especially when combined with Brave the Elements in case they have two colors. Kor Skyfisher also allows you to return a creature to your hand after it has attacked so you can recast it untapped and defend if need be. It is great if your opponent uses Planeswalkers to tap your creatures. So play your other Kor Soldiers before playing a Skyfisher if possible. An amazing instant to keep in your S.B. for the right matchups is Celestial Purge. It can remove pesky blue/black unblockable land creatures (becomes a black permanent) when they attack, then Surprise! And Celestial Purge removes Bloodghast and other permaments from the game so it can't return to play with the Landfall mechanic! Or it can also removes certain Planeswalkers. Sorry, but Oblivion Ring has to remove a blue Planeswalker. So now that your army has some resources it needs additional equipment. Magebane Armor is a tad slow, but is great against red burn which is noncombat damage. In combat the 2/4 bonus makes it had to kill your Kor soldier. It is ideal on Armament Master as your other Kor get bonuses and it takes two lightening bolts to kill a Kor soldier which is a kind of card advantage. Three copies are plenty since it cost three to play. Add in two Trusty Machete and your Kor soldiers will have Boots, Armor, and a Machete. Makes me want to join a Goblin army. Are they as equipped as well? So this is a well equipped army. One last Army secret to share. Main deck one Lapse of Certainty. This card is amazing if played on the correct turn because it acts like a Time Walk - you get another turn and your opponent has to draw the same card on their next turn. It stops Wrath of God (it might as well be called that - Day of Judgement) , a Planeswalker, or whatever for that extra turn needed to finish an opponent. So keep three mana open before your opponent drops their fourth land if playing against Blue/White, or since most Planeswalkers cost 5 mana have your spell ready to counter before they play a fifth land. The extra turn is the difference in many a game. When I was a Goblin Lackey the Goblin King sent me for punishment. The Goblin Marshall showed compassion. He asked me if I would like to be boiled today while the water wasn't as hot or to be boiled tomorrow. Fortunately, it rained the next day. It always helps to get another turn and another card so think of Lapse of Certainty that way. I hope that helps. Oh, one other card I had in my S.B. (I had to S.B. all 15 cards against a red/black Vampire Deck) was Repel the Darkness. It taps up to two target creatures and you draw a card! Against control decks then tap your own creatures at the end of their turn if you need to draw a card, or wait to use it tap a land that becomes a creature so it can't attack. The Kor Army kicked me out since I'm a Goblin and can't keep step. (Hup two, three......I can't remember what comes after three). My Kor March deck has nothing over three mana because they need to march light and fast to strike before the dawn! Top Secret: I over heard the Kor soldiers discuss using Blazing Torches against the Bloodwitch, but that is a lot of weight (torches need fuel) and so they left the Blazing Torch out of the sideboard since it has only a singular purpose, better to have good Boots they decided..
I'm not so sure about the Traumatize due its casting cost. have you considered Hedron Crab an 0/2 for one blue mana that has land fall! Play a fetch land - they lose three cards - when you fetch they lose three more - and it gets on the board much quicker than Traumatize and will be harder to counter and may mill some useful cards early before they get drawn. It also lets you see what is in your opponent's deck early. Deprive works well with Hedron Crab. If you can't splurge for the expensive fetch lands Evolving Wilds works well enough. since you are playing blue white to increase your ally count why not try Ruin Ghost to keep the milling and to also give you two blue or two white mana as you need it after three land drops. And this card can win "out right" whereas Traumatize may not - Keening Stone. Jwari shapeshifter is nifty with your Halimar Excavator. I would look for efficiency and more control - try Hedron Crab in place of Time Scour and put in Deprive or another counter - Spell Pierce, Negate or even Unified Will - Wrath of God can be so annoying. At most one Traumatize or Keening Stone because you do not want it in your opening hand. Cancell is too slow of a counter spell. Also since you are playing white too your side board needs a way to remove Planes Walkers - such as Oblivion Ring or Celestial Purge.
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