
14 Decks, 9 Comments, 1 Reputation

I wonder if you could blink Riders of Gavony and get protection from two creature types...

Posted 03 July 2012 at 04:41 as a comment on (Standard) Humans


I think Galepowder Mage and/or Momentary Blink could help out in this deck. Both of these would be used for a combo with Solemn Simulacrum or Wall of Omens.

Posted 02 July 2012 at 04:14 as a comment on Mono White Dragon Control


While your curve says you have 12 1 mana cards, you really have 8. I would suggest cutting those 4-5 mana cards to just 2 a piece. I would suggest the same with Thalia because of the legendary status.

Posted 02 July 2012 at 02:15 as a comment on (Standard) Humans


I like this deck, though maybe Soulcage Fiend could be replaced with something that doesn't hurt you as well. I would take out one Unhallowed Pact and put in another Black Cat.

Posted 30 June 2012 at 11:13 as a comment on Pauper Death


I feel the Crusaders are redundant. Wilt-leaf Cavaliers is three plains, or forests, and has vigilance. It's a 3/4, while Crusader is only a 2/2. I don't mind seeing the Crusaders in the sideboard, because the protection is pretty useful.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 09:40 as a comment on Knights


No, I don't mean to put in harbinger, but giving an example of what a catcher is. The tutor you could use, but I'm not sure if there's a harbinger you could use. Goblin bombardment isn't a goblin spell, either. But if you think tutor is expensive, the cards I suggested taking out are all more expensive.

Posted 27 June 2012 at 21:06 as a comment on Death by Death


Like diabolic tutor or a harbinger.

Posted 27 June 2012 at 07:27 as a comment on Death by Death


Simple, since you don't have any catchers, add in gravecrawler. I'm thinking get rid of the whispering one, the hidden, and both harvester of souls and put in 4 crawlers. This will allow you to get out something early on, and also, you can sack every turn. (almost)

Posted 26 June 2012 at 21:44 as a comment on Death by Death


I can see fieldhunter and parish working together, but what else is there for fieldhunter? I like the idea of this deck, though I've never been a fan of protection from "whatever" cards like Mirran.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 00:31 as a comment on Humans taking the win!V2
