What about Suture Priest insted of Soulwarden? I know it's 1 mana more, but your opponent pays life everytime it plays a creature. Plus it has the same effect as Soulwarden
Think he is to sad to tell the tale of his game
Missclick ;) - Shocklands are a little out of my price range :) But I like the look of it now. Thanks
Still think the horse does a good job with the tokens as well. Added some of the cards you suggested.
Thanks :) What about now? I like the curve as it doesn't go above 4, and might be fast enough to play.
I'd love some feedback. Trying to get Tymaret to work in contstructed and threw in Flamespeaker for some reason. . . S.O.S!
Im always open to suggestions :) I am a new player, so I'd gladly take any help you could give me :)