please give me any advice you have and any ideas for the sideboard
please give me any advice you have and ideas for the sideboard
my version of the green white event deck
draft decks can be 40 cards FYI
work on it
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just an idea maybe you could add drogskol reaver
you misspelled artifact
Please give me feedback and more ideas.
round out your mana curve. that means you need some cards that cost less
I play with my friends and there aren't that many restrictions, for example one of my friends uses commander but I don't let him use the cards that he made on his computer. I don't play with this deck very much but if you have any ideas please check that I use most of the time it is called "Just for Fun". I usually go with the flow when I play. I will play around with a guy if I am sure I can beat them, but if it a serious match I will just go and take away their life as fast as possible.
that better???
thanks, I'm new to this and am happy that you only had that much to say. :)
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I'm sorry but I'm new to this what does EDH mean?
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