
8 Decks, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

You would actually be surprised, I have been testing it alot on MWS, and people don't usually try to hit me with damage, they try to hit my carnophages, lacerators, and shades. And usually I pop out Death's shadow when I am at around 8 or 9 life, and I find that people are actually discouraged to attack me, just to not make it bigger. The Jitte helps me not die from all the life loss. Oh and Platinum Angel is way above my mana curve, and plus confidant + Angel = REALLY BAD. I try to keep everything 2 casting cost or less.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 18:02 as a comment on New Suicide Black (Comments Please)


Wait a minute... I feel like you're forgetting something very important.... what is it?????? oh yeah, BALL LIGHTNING. Are you kidding me? You're running a standard burn deck without a playset of ball lightnings????? Seriously?

Posted 31 October 2009 at 17:05 as a comment on BURN BUT NEEDS WORK COMMENT!!


Thanks fellas.

Posted 31 October 2009 at 15:48 as a comment on Defense of the heart = awesome



Posted 27 October 2009 at 18:56 as a comment on Member Database


This is alot like The Rock build I'll admit, but the classic version of that deck that I have seen was missing things like maelstrom pulse, tarmogoyfs, and putrefies. So i decided to spice it up a little bit lol.

Posted 27 October 2009 at 18:44 as a comment on Let Me Know What You Guys Think of This


This looks like my first merfolk deck. Which was bad. This will only work if you are playing other bad decks. I don't mean to be a dick, but you need to start again. If you're going to use Lord of Atlantis, you may as well use other older cards and play Legacy, and trust me there are a lot better cards for a merfolk deck than the crap you have here. Seriously. Check out my merfolk deck. It's not perfect, but it honestly could destroy what you have here. Try again.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 18:55 as a comment on Saltwater Taffy?


I'm pretty sure Aether Vial is legal in Legacy, which is what I play. But I could be wrong. I could sideboard sleeps, but I wouldn't know what to sideboard them out for, especially if I replace two sovereigns with wake thrashers. I also don't know what to take out for some counter spells. I figure with 4 cursecatchers, I would only need 2 to 3 counterspells, but I don't know what to take out. Thanks for the feedback though

Posted 19 September 2009 at 13:59 as a comment on Merfolk, Number Two


Any ideas for a sideboard would be appreciated.

Posted 19 September 2009 at 11:26 as a comment on Merfolk, Number Two


Have you playtested this at all? It looks like it could be a lot of fun and I was just wondering how well it actually performs. Anyways, it looks real good from here, but I don't know much about the dominus dynamic.

Posted 10 August 2009 at 13:40 as a comment on Dominus Beatdown


I've thought about getting them, but honesly, this deck doesn't need them.

Posted 05 August 2009 at 22:19 as a comment on UNBEATABLE Merfolk


This deck needs some SERIOUS centralization. You have a bunch of random dudes in here that simply give exalted and it's pointless. Take out the Sigiled Behemoth, Sight-Caste Sorcerer, Frontline Sage, Aven Squire, Steward of Valeron, Quietus Spike, Waveskimmer Aven for sure, Savage Hunger, Cradle of vitality because you only have 3 cards in here that you gain life with, Cancel, the Obelisk because it's useless, and your Rhox Chargers. This deck is lacking in defense so add at least one more Giltspire Avenger, more Qasali Pridemages because they are really freakin good, put more jhessian infiltrators because an unblockable card with exalted with lifelink is an amazing combo, get a few Sigils of the Nayan Gods, get more Oblivion rings and more Hindering Lights for defense, take out the Kiss of the Amesha and you should be set. Essentially what I'm saying is instead of finding a bunch of alright cards and throwing them together, find some good cards and put multiples of them into a deck. Look at my exalted deck and you'll see what I'm talking about. You're on the right track though.

Posted 04 August 2009 at 13:32 as a comment on Bant


Thanks for the feedback. I was actually thinking about taking out the borderposts because i don't really get much out of them. The cards you suggested, especially sigil of the empty throne look real good and I would for sure add them if I could only get my hands on them. The protective bubble is in there to give my attackers unblockability which when coupled with exalted and lifelink from a battlegrace angel is really boss. I guess the main point is to get a bunch of guys out quick, and then beef one up in a flash and make him unblockable and then attack. Usually it works really well. Thanks for the ideas.

Posted 31 July 2009 at 23:18 as a comment on Bant Exalted Deck, Suggestions Please
