what about field wipe and flying.
Nice always like infinite combos.
Felidar sovereign would make a nice secondary win condition.
Would welcome any feedback on this deck especially with dealing against control decks.
This deck has a lot of odd numbers in it i would even some of the cards like the banisher priests they are great for control.
Good idea overall but is too slow. Mono blue or red would eat this alive and naya superfriends would only laugh at this deck. My advice put another shrine and two lilianas in also more 1-3 drop creatures to hold off swarm. Watch pro tour theros on youtube any deck there is what you will genereally face and they would pull off easy wins.
I like, very fast can easily stand toe to toe with other swarm decks and easily finish mid range control.
Hmm seems more like your trying to build a boros deck with all the humans. You need more tokens try running some cenetaurs they give life and 3/3 tokens. You should also invest in some thragtusk they give life and tokens in one card. Also dont be shy with the populate because the best army is always big.
i Know it says humans but you should really think about throwing spirits in like mirror mad phantasm. Its cheap and ramps your pike with its ability.
Play barren glory exile using oblivion ring then ramp a worldfire barren comes back as only card then you win.
Love the idea i believe the next few sets will allow more ramp to pull him out quicker.
Control would eat this alive. Might want to add something with undying.
I remember a friend of mine once refered to my deck being like a sliver deck thanks to harabaz druid and the mass ramp of mana allowing me to pop out sun quicker. Also ran nova blast wurm in the deck made top 8 every time.
its all fun and games untill somebody plays a slaughter games
Love the idea but yeah extremely to slow most aggro decks kill around turn 3-5 so fighting multiple creatures a turn with haste burn or token abilities will easily overwhelm even master control decks.
Seems good, but you should probably add more golgari such as Death's Presence that will allow you to power up your creatures then add in some Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord for fling ability. so field of two creatures a deaths presence and jarad, creature 1 has undying so let it fall in battle power the other up it comes back you now have two more powerfull creatures that can be beat sticks, then fling one it dies powers the other up even more and then fling it for big chain of damage.
very,very, expensive.
Yeah i thought about the quakes but during the 3 fnm its been in ive never come against a magma quake or anything similar. The only problem is that with the miracle costs on all the overpowered white cards my opponent usually wipes the field about 1 turn before death. The previous versions used did not have counters in them so usually the dissipates are saved for them.
it does work amazingly the only problem is when your opponent luckily miracle casts a devistation tide or terminus.
I like if i had the stuff i would run this in F.N.M.
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