Testing -> Because MWS exists. But to each his own =)
Much better choices. The list you have here shows 4 diregraf but I don't think 62 cards will slow you down to the point where those 2 will hinder your deck's performance. Let me know how testing goes =D
Take out Death's Shadow and you'll have yourself a standard deck (also add in 4 cards to replace it)
This might be the most fun-looking Varolz deck I've seen on this sight! Good job!
Have you put any thought into adding Crypt Ghast? The extra mana gets fatties out easier, and the extort can make Rakdos become a lot stronger a lot faster
Lol that's my bad! I'll probably drop a Jarad for another Varolz
I was literally sitting here trying to figure out how to speed it up! Thanks! The other thing I've been trying to figure out is if I need to go to a fourth salvage. Thoughts?