Yes Lightning Axe can be super nasty!
Awesome elves deck, collective company would help for sure, but what about the artifact that gives creature's +1 +1 for each creature you have or that shares a type with it?+1 from me
Just having a nosey and came across this, very nice +1
Thanks BigGeorge76!Yeah it does lack removal but without a madness costed removal spell, or a spell that I could flash back after discarding it, I just don't feel confident in any standard legal removal spell going in this deck right this moment.I feel it's a safer option to aim my removal at the weenie blockers and then keep 'Malevolent Whispers' for my opponents big threats.'Ultimate price'ing a creature on turn 4 to then swing in is fine, but if I draw 'ultimate price' instead of 'fiery temper', or even 'aim of the veins', and I have no discard outlet to set off 'Ravenous Bloodseeker' that turn, i'm going to feel bad about that.But, I am totally willing to be proved wrong.Right now I'm thinking about the EDM lands - 'Geier Reach Sanitarium' & 'Hanweir Battlements' and whether they'd find a home in my deck.
Really unique idea never seen a deck like this, shame it's a lot of money to buy in real life but worth admiring from afar...
I like Zurgo Helmsmasher but I agree with tleung84633, don't like chief of the scale as much as edge, I use Battlebrawler and Valorous Stance as 2 drops in my own warrior.Cool warrior deck though.
changed black oak and blood for ultimate price and mogis's marauder. swapped read the bones for sign in blood
Budget deck, not sure how it will run, use spring leaf, convoke and black oak to tap creatures.
Why don't you try instead of the Squelching Leeches? Just because it isn't dependant on swamps to become strong for a 4 drop.Cool deck though can't wait for Khans! :)
cool deck! Ink-eyes is one of my favourite cards. Maybe you want to run some sign in blood's or ambition's cost to get a card advantage after you and your opponent have discarded a lot of cards?
cool deck!
tenacious dead could be good in place of reassembling skeleton or as well as. I don't know if you can keep sacrificing reassembling skeleton in the same turn but if you can't then tenacious dead would combo well with bloodthrone vampire and altar's reap.Look at Bile Blight instead of Dismember as well, it doesn't have the same damage but it is very useful against token decks and decks with loads of the same creature.If you're sacrificing your creatures a lot Dictate of erebos and Dark prophecy could be useful.Blood bairn and underworld connections are good 3 drops too to help your mana curve maybe.Cool deck though, Vampire Nocturnus is awesome! :)