really nice i like it + 1 check my decks out pls
i think you should run 24 - 26 lands the deck wont run with just 18 lands and you need draw spells
yea but im keeping it standard
plus 1 nice control tk a look at my vamp control deck = )
wow your creatures are huge ! dont you think you should put a couple of early turn creatures? but anyways thats just me. pls take a look at my decks.
cool + 1 nice deck for just commons tk a look at mine pls i need some comments on mine
o and pls check mine out
you should something a big creature for Emeria but the deck seems cool + 1
im going to back up waffle because hes a douche bag and has no back up (whispering).... (guys dont tell him i gave you a + 1) o and hes a mofo! ,,, damn did i say that out loud = / lmao
i changed this deck still havent updated it thou
well how bout martial coup and bane fire late game ? and what else do you need when you have baneslayers also do you remember blue white control that had just 4 exalted angels only ....?
forgot to tell you its good for experience + in time you will be wopping plps butts = )
im going to give you an advice dont buy singles and boosters your better off getting the whole set of a series if you recently started you should get the whole block of m10 zendikar and now soon world wake forget about alara it will go out in 6 months a whole block you can get it for $500 each and if you do pls dont trade trust me if you are thinking of making money out off magic follow my advise ive been playing for 9 year now and i have won some money here and there attend to all the FNM, pre releases and all major tournaments = ) o and check my decks out
you have to fix it but just a little bit tk out :prodigal pyromancer -wall of fire-inferno elemental-lava axe and dragon welp you should add more fire like banefire lightning bolts hellspark elemental and hellsthunder ill give u + 1 for trying you just have to work on it and pls feel free to check my decks out = )
lmao damn he doesnt give up
i think 4 tutors is 2 much sleep you should take out and add some kind of counter and add some into the roil helps with card draw and stall + 1 check my decks out
consume is not for creatures its for the player you just have to use crypt of agadeem late game and hit player with consume spirit for like 10 or if u have a sadistic you can remove 15 you should try it and hold the gatekeeper to make opponent sac it really works you should try it
first off never play more than 60 cards if you play in FMN or any tournaments the level of competition is insane and try to play cards with a cheap mana cost and awesome abilities more blood raided elf or spell breaker behemoth and try to put more copies of the same card in your deck ... i remember when i started my first competitive deck was a wizard deck i went to FNM and got my ass handed to me = ) ill give you a + 1 for trying ... o and ive been playing for 8 years pls comment on all of mine and tk a look at my vamp deck and compare it to yours = ) hope to keep commenting on your decks in time you will be making great decks ....
lol awesome + 1
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