Tainted remedy will win you the games that you want to bring it in for. I'm always impressed with it post-board in my burn/control deck.
Updated description and how to play on this one. The deck could really use an atarka's command in place of seeker and Gideon, but I built this with my current card pool in mind and my strained budget to this point in the season.
Recently re-tooled the sideboard for the meta as it is currently standing. Plague just deals with a lot of the issues for this deck like bant tokens and walker by-products and silumgar's command takes efficient care of walkers themselves while generating other value. As a result, we cut extraneous answers like erase and smash. Main board, I moved from mentors and berserkers to riders and more charms giving more game 1 play against some of the value in the format.
Yeah, reading "b/w tokens", I expected to see more token producers like secure the wastes, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Has the strangled been impressive for you or just played its role?
Added how-to-play
Added words, ran out of room in how to play. Lol. If you need specific matchups, request it and I will reply.
Lol, I was posting how to play's, but looks like I was n't saving them. :/