This maybe one of the only god chances we have to play dragon tribal in standard... all who don't are scrubs
this is just some crap deck my friend made lol
Yeah, they aren't essential, but quite helpful. the scry lands are great in this deck, but not necessary
thanks. even with the notion thief thing? agh sigh.
LOL, did you like the deck?
Check this deck out here! real cools!
Yay! I hek=lped jessie make a deck! that's a accomplish ment! wanna check out this deck and help me a bit?
U might want some fetches to get some lands into the graveyard?
MY new standard deck!
the baubles are actually sorcerers of the hunt from the most recent fate reforged spoilers.
Thanks. I'll probably do bad cuz I refuse to play meta. I am stupid like that.
I am playing femur midrange, cause I had a bunch of the cards already. Advice is welcome my deck is it all ogre now.
He is. HE IS NET decking.... ugh. well pretty much anyway. except for the lands.
Hey I added curse of the swine... yes?
HEy. just saying, you should start telling people more about your decks and how to play them... will help you get likes and comments of they know how to play your deck.
Congrats, you have the most viewed deck in the entire mtg vault database.
Me and my friend are working on of these style decks for Grand Prix miami....
Shahar is my fav for sure... Twice in a row... G
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