Kind of going with what DeckProtector said you should probably put in something like Rakdos Carnarium since it adds 2 mana every time you tap it
Innistrad just released when I started. Shows how new I am :/
thanks that was a good idea with the reliquary tower!!
I need vensers journal so I can keep all the cards drawn with howling mine and door of destinies to overpower everything especially when Krenko comes out. Plus, I already liked your elemental deck and there's nothing else I can do to make it better :)
This is an absolutely amazing deck!! the only thing that I can even think of to alter this deck would probably to switch Fists of the Demigod into the sideboard and put Dreadbore into the main deck for some cheap removal
Yeah didn't see that haha. Thanks for pointing it out I replaced it with agoraphobia
I don't care for Urbis Protector (too much mana) but Wake the Reflections would work well with Entreat the Angels. Thanks for all the great advice!
That's a great idea! I'll add the cards to my sideboard
Thanks for the idea about Liliana's Reaver I'll switch it in!