i think its called skitherix, blight dragon, its a 4/4 infect flying and it has another ability that i currently cnt remember so sorry :/ btw ummmm idk if you noticed but this post rite here, this exact post, this is my 500th post! i joined mtg vault like 2 weeks ago, ive got 2 decks that have made top decks and all of my decks have at least made upcoming decks (except for my newest deck as far as i know, i just made it last night) but ya like i said, this is my 500th post!!!
take a look at some of the new rakdos stuff tht came out with rtr, just search rakdos and youll get some good black/red stuff like dual lands, creatures, spells, stuff of that type, i consider you look into ring of xathrid and the other red ring(i forgot the name, just look up ring of and find the 1 that pertains to red)
i also consider coat of arms, i think its a must when you make a deck based around a creature type
take a look at slumbering dragon and my very first dragon, flameblast dragon, its ability is great, its like a built in fireball
and maybe add in some rakdos stuff so you can get the dual red/black lands and cards
by the way, vampire nighthawk is one of my favorite cards from the mtg13 release, and it goes perfect with exalted, and if u equip the ring to it, u can now regenerate it for the cost of 2 colorless mana
i would add in that new ring, i think its called ring of Xathrid
nevermind, i didnt relize til just now that this is a cat deck lol, i made a cat deck if u wanna take a look at it just let me know and ill leave a link
i would consider ambush viper, its a good card, its a 2/1 flash and deathtouch
try celestial mantle, its a really good aura card and its white(: i think you mite like it, it can be quite a game changer
im looking for any green or black cards i culd use to look thru my deck for a plainswalker( vraska the unseen)
i bought a vraska online yesturday and im buying jarad, golgari lich lord from a friend onlong with a few other g/b cards
thanks(: i actually ordered 2 of the new plainswalker just for its assassin ability :p i also ordered a bunch of izzet and rakdos :p and then a bunch of the new green cards
doomblade maybe? xD just cuz of the doom tho lol, i like the deck, rtr is looking great, would u mind takin a look at my new deck? if not, heres the link http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392722
thats what th lightning greaves are for, and there cheaper(mana cost)
*the (and that new plainswalker, ive been pondering making a deck around it, do you know any cards i can use to look for a plainswalker? or any nonland?)
i would add in somthing like whispersilk cloak to make ur 1/1 assassin tokens unbloackable and maybe consider something to populate t]the tokens just so u have an alternate win
im not going for the lifelink or anything of that type really, if i was they would be a definite but i added in a few other cats instead, but i will think about ur suggestion, thanks for the feedback
i would take a look at coat of arms, all ur cats will get a +1/+1 boost for every cat in play and ur cat knights will get a +2/+2 for every cat knight in play
Doomblade, murder, tragic slip, and.cards of tht type
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