I wouldn't use Ajani for his life ability at first. More of the counters w/vig. Also with godhead you can life. As for Zealous, he is perfect fit for this deck. Thistledown Duo and his flash ability are great for blocking. Unmake would be a great addition, thanks. Also I'll look into desert.
4 CC's would be to much, 2 is just the right number. I'm not trying to make this deck standard and Sprawl is a great one drop and speeds up the deck. As for Matsu, its ability with power of fire is amazing.
I had Yavimaya in here, but took it out as I went to a more of a flyer deck. Ray of Revelation looks to be a great card. Thanks for the advice.
I really like the idea of this deck. It could do some real damage.
Very nice call on the Flame Fusillade, I might have to fit that in some how. I could drop Lace. Thanks.
I like the idea behind this deck. Looks like a fun deck to play.
I haven't had any mana issues as of yet. Only thing that I changed was Overrun with Epic Proportions, which has fit so much better.
Seems like a pretty heavy mana deck. I'd maybe add some mana accels/or more land. Also, Brute force would be a nice fit.
I like vivid with Reflecting Pool. Don't really know if you need Lotus Bloom in there. Maybe drop it for some more enchantments. Simple as Edge of Divinity. Nice deck, I've always wanted to make a Zur Deck.
There isn't really a lot I would like to take out. This kinda started off as a Joke deck with Vizz, but has come along way. It actually sometimes wins. I wont be getting any lotus bloom, but I do like edge of autum. And I really don't want to make him unblockable, I'd rather fly/trample to a win. Thanks for comments.
Braid of Fire would work great. Maybe drop the two Fire Diamonds and add 2 of em. Love dragons and I can't wait for the Vault: Dragons. Nice Deck.
I don't really see anything wrong with this deck. I think you could do without the doors. Extra land with Cenns Enlistment wouldn't hurt, you could always just play its Retrace ability.
I was thinking of Vine Trellis, helps block and is a mana accel.
I'd drop two Thornweald's and add two more Wrens Run Van. You could most likely get away with 20-22 lands, letting you add some more Promenades. Rhys the Exiled could be replaced with wellwisher. -2 Lands -1 Rhys the Exiled -2 Thornweald -1 Gleeful Sabotage -2 Blanchwood +1Immaculate +3 Promenades +1 Talara Batt (would be awesome with Immaculate) +2 Wellwisher +1 Vanquisher
I'd also drop Crovax, C. Crusader, maybe even Rise also. 1 More Cenn is a must. Also, move militia's pride over and maybe add 1-2 more. Not sure how well Preeminent Captain fits, your creatures aren't high costing and most likely won't be using his ability. Also Graceful Reprieve works wonders with Borderguard. -3 Crovax -1 Celestial -2 Rise of Hobo -2 Preeminent Captain +1 Wiz Cenn +2 Graceful Reprieve +2 Militias Pride +1 Armored Ascension +1 Light From Within +1 Harbringer
I'm also with Lord, how do you figure to play terror and soul? With Pariah in there, I'd add a stuffy doll or two (yea its played out, but fun). Also, faiths Feathers might help. Cost 1 more than paci, but you can 3 life.
I would drop Preeminent Captain, you don't really need him. Your creatures are pretty low costing as it is. Commander Eesha has one me plenty of games in my soldier deck, she would be a better fit. Also catapult master with Mobilization would be neat. Attack then tap and use his ability. Nice deck, soldier decks are fun and build quickly.
This deck looks wicked. I love fast decks and the use of white and red is nice. I know you are trying to hit hard and fast, but I would consider adding some Balefire Lieges, with all the white and red spells your playing. A Razia would be sick late game, but kinda high costing. Overall nice mix of Eventide and Ravnica.
This deck looks like a blast to play. Setup could/looks like it could take a while, but the options would be fun to play. With so much mana, why not a Darksteel Colossus?
Nice idea on the Temporal Spring. I do have two Overs from the Pre-release, I might find a fit for them. As for thornweald and steel, they really don't fit this deck.
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