WU Life Gain, Wall Stall

by GerboGerrik on 23 July 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (2)

Sorceries (4)

Instants (8)

Enchantments (1)

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Deck Description

The deck is a reboot of one I've tried before. In the current Meta game of aggressive... Red Deck Wins, Tempered Steel, Vampires, and even Illusions. The deck fits a nice niche that allows it to combat each of those decks nicely by stalling out until they gain control of the board and win through its couple of win conditions. The inclusion of blue allows the deck to transition into a control match up well after side boarding.

Redirect tends to help turn the burn present in RDW, Goblins, and Vampires into beneficial 2 for ones. There is also usually something in other decks that Redirect can be used against (a Mana Leak vs control, or dispatch vs tempered steel)

The Sideboard serves primarily to allow us to bring in additional copies of cards that we feel we need in a certain match up. Dismember acts as additional removal for any threat that you feel needs a better answer, whether it's a Phyrexian Crusader, Phyrexian Obliterator, or what have you. The Mana Leaks can be subbed in for Redirect if a match up is lacking targets, or just brought in to help against control decks.

The inclusion of Solemn Offering is partially based on its ability to give multiple answers to Tempered Steal, while at the same time gaining us additional life. It also serves as standard artifact / enchantment removal that is just necessary in the sideboard so you don't end up getting hosed by some random enchantment (Seriously who packs Leyline of Punishment).

Deck Tags

  • Tournament

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 7,472 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for WU Life Gain, Wall Stall

lone missionary is best life gain card imo.

i see no valid win condition here, if its the Sovereign then you might wanna add some more?

how you gonna beat all the control decks?

hi :)

Posted 23 July 2011 at 19:44


Serra Ascendant becomes a 6/6 Lifelink Flier if 30 life is reached, which can be done by turn 3 (30 life can be reached by turn 2).

Gideon is a 6/6 beater, who also clears the field of attackers by force them into the walls the turn earlier.

Sun Titan is a 6/6 beater who can recur Serra Ascendants, (or Jace, which is unfair in Control Games...)

In my Meta control decks are few and far between but the ones I face (Mono Black / BU) are easier dealt with by taking out some of the defensive creatures for cards like Mana Leak, Sun Titan, and Oblivon Ring.

They tend to be slow to deal damage so getting an active Serra Ascendant usually draws out removal which spellskite, redirect, or Mana Leak can answer.

Gideon is just as powerful as a 6/6 Creature for 5, which can also be protected by our own Blue Magic.

Sun Titan is easier to find, and if we play the mana game right and stick him, he usually results in a win by recurring Jace over and over and over, leading to card advantage which is a massive advantage in the Control Mirror.

Posted 23 July 2011 at 19:56



Posted 23 July 2011 at 20:13


May I suggest that you instead use constructive criticism instead of trolling?

Why does Redirect Suck? Is it worse in certain situations, clearly. However, currently (and specifically in my meta) there are a number of decks running around with 8-12 burn cards stocked in their decks allow redirect to be an easy 2 for 1. Rather than merely countering their Lightning Bolt, their Lightning Bolt now strikes their Kiln Fiend, Go for the Throat hits their own Grave Titan, etc etc...

Posted 23 July 2011 at 20:37


ya cause redirecteing a bolt is such a problem in this anti aggro deck?

or just use counter magic since its actually good

or just make a deck that can atleast stand a chance vs control

Posted 23 July 2011 at 20:42


Why not try the suture priests with some hero of blade hold instead of the pride guardians which are kind of soft. Use Gideon to make them attack' the just alpha strike with the hero which gets you 2 life in the process.

Posted 24 July 2011 at 15:48


I would at least have a frost titan in there as well. Not just 1 sun titan.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 02:55
