
11 Decks, 30 Comments, 2 Reputation

May I suggest that you instead use constructive criticism instead of trolling?

Why does Redirect Suck? Is it worse in certain situations, clearly. However, currently (and specifically in my meta) there are a number of decks running around with 8-12 burn cards stocked in their decks allow redirect to be an easy 2 for 1. Rather than merely countering their Lightning Bolt, their Lightning Bolt now strikes their Kiln Fiend, Go for the Throat hits their own Grave Titan, etc etc...

Posted 23 July 2011 at 20:37 as a comment on WU Life Gain, Wall Stall


Serra Ascendant becomes a 6/6 Lifelink Flier if 30 life is reached, which can be done by turn 3 (30 life can be reached by turn 2).

Gideon is a 6/6 beater, who also clears the field of attackers by force them into the walls the turn earlier.

Sun Titan is a 6/6 beater who can recur Serra Ascendants, (or Jace, which is unfair in Control Games...)

In my Meta control decks are few and far between but the ones I face (Mono Black / BU) are easier dealt with by taking out some of the defensive creatures for cards like Mana Leak, Sun Titan, and Oblivon Ring.

They tend to be slow to deal damage so getting an active Serra Ascendant usually draws out removal which spellskite, redirect, or Mana Leak can answer.

Gideon is just as powerful as a 6/6 Creature for 5, which can also be protected by our own Blue Magic.

Sun Titan is easier to find, and if we play the mana game right and stick him, he usually results in a win by recurring Jace over and over and over, leading to card advantage which is a massive advantage in the Control Mirror.

Posted 23 July 2011 at 19:56 as a comment on WU Life Gain, Wall Stall


Jace: Draw power to draw into the Venser or Stonehorn Dignitary, combos well with Consecrated (If our win con becomes decking the opponent, then we should obviously take out Consecrated and Jace) ... Perhaps replace with new Jace

Volition Reins: Permanently deals with problematic cards such as an enemy planeswalker, or steals a finisher for us to use against them (if for some reason one was played).

Tumble Magnet: To buy us extra turns to find the piece of the loop, otherwise it allows for our large flier to get in unhindered by other flying fatties.

Disperse: Removes something scary early, saves a key piece of the puzzle from removal, or allows us to hard bounce our Stone Dignitary or a Tumble Magnet to get a new use out of it.

Stoic: To save the loop from removal, A hard counter is likely necessary as they might just sit on their lands if they realize they can't attack with any creatures they cast.

Posted 07 July 2011 at 23:56 as a comment on Venser Control


I'd ignore the comments about removing the Soldier... They seem to be ignoring the fact that you're pumping up your creatures via Steel Overseer and Tempered Steel.

Jor Kadeen does seem a bit slow, but if he got down and stuck it would be hard to lose.

You said you lost to infect, so I'd find ways to combat that. Simply adding in more removal is a good way to turn the tides. Infect creatures are usually small so throwing in 4 Arc Bolts to the side board will help with any sort of aggressive match up you find, whether its KRed, or Infect. The other option will be simply main boarding Whiplash. It ignores all your own creatures (beside Jor) and acts as a one sided pyroclasm.

If board sweepers are at your meta then sideboard creatures like Tuktuk and Myr Sire. If it works for Kred it will work even better for a deck that is pumping the artifacts. After a pyro clasm that 1/1 goblin becomes a 5/5 artifact that is now a 7/7 with Tempered Steel. (Take out Ruthless Invasion and Scrapyard... both won't be of much use)

I would suggest removing the Immolating Souleaters for the Glint Hawk Idols (straight trade). The Idols will survive the board sweepers and become massive fliers with Tempered Steel. (Note the counters you put on them with Steel Overseer, will stay on after they go back to being simple artifacts).

Posted 07 July 2011 at 22:47 as a comment on FNM Fail Why?


This doesn't have the emerge unscathed.

I also doubt that a sligh infect deck was running 24 lands. So perhaps 4 less lands + 4 Emerge Unscathed??

Posted 25 June 2011 at 16:47 as a comment on The black plague


I'd take the blue out and see if you can maximize the white and the pure-steel.
Something along the lines of

Take out the Gitaxian probe for Dispatch
Preordain for Basilisk Collar

2 riddle smith for 2 myr smith
4 Vedalkin Certarch for 4 Perimeter Captains (an 0/4 Body!! for 1, that's some serious set up time)

Posted 23 June 2011 at 00:21 as a comment on Puresteel Arbalest


Add Dismember... I feel like it's a must have for any non black deck. Merely because it's off color removal for 1 and 4 life. Put it into the deck only when you really need it. (against decks that have protection from white effects --Phyrexian Crusader, or cards you need to deal with at instant speed, such as a Deceiver Exarch)

Posted 18 June 2011 at 00:54 as a comment on We will endure


What where the cause of you losing. If you're playing in multiplayer battles that isn't a fair measure of the deck. If it is in single player. If we can pin-point the cause of your losses, we can help craft a deck that uses this premise to find ways to win.

It could also be your level of experience in relation to your friends, or choosing the wrong cards to discard. List some of the common problems the deck has and we'll see if we can't find a solution for them.

Posted 13 June 2011 at 17:44 as a comment on T2 Discard


I think your deck is tampering with two strategies that don't normally mesh well together...

Aggro and Control. Those counters are a tad out of place when you'll be wanting pump up each creature and not leave mana open for the counter.

I'd suggest finding another 2 drop and dropping in dismember.

Posted 13 June 2011 at 17:37 as a comment on UG pump infect


What where the cause of you losing. If you're playing in multiplayer battles that isn't a fair measure of the deck. If it is in single player. If we can pin-point the cause of your losses, we can help craft a deck that uses this premise to find ways to win.

It could also be your level of experience in relation to your friends, or choosing the wrong cards to discard. List some of the common problems the deck has and we'll see if we can't find a solution for them.

Posted 13 June 2011 at 17:33 as a comment on T2 Discard


Control have you gotten to take this to a FNM yet? How did it do?

Posted 13 June 2011 at 17:06 as a comment on T2 Discard


I'm not sure what the difference would be. Neither is more resilient to removal as both guarantee 2 tokens remain in place after.

To me it relies on preference.

Grave Titan will create more tokens meaning it becomes harder to remove all the threats the longer the Titan stays on the board.

Wurmcoil Engine will generally be harder to remove as most decks that run black are running Go for the Throat as their removal, meaning Wurmcoil isn't a valid option.

However either is equally susceptible to white removal, costing 6+ to put down, and won't be doing any damage until very late in the game.

Posted 04 June 2011 at 05:05 as a comment on T2 Discard


Any Ideas on where to put Distortion Strike into this deck. It fits the theme perfectly but +2/+0 for 1 doesn't match up to the other pump spells we have.

We could remove the Geth's Thrones for 3 distortion strikes to allow us to sneak in a necropede / glistener elf if they've targeted our Blighted Agents with their removal and got an early wall up. Or perhaps we merely remove the whispersilk cloaks and put in the distortion strikes to the sideboard.

Posted 01 June 2011 at 00:22 as a comment on Virus


I found that the reusable pump offered by Trigon of Rage is useful instead of needing to put in 12 or so Pump spells to insure you always have one to beef up a creature. Groundswell is in essence +8/+4 in this deck for (1) and that is the reason for its inclusion, while Mutagenic Growth is a +4/+2 for free when we need it to be.

Geth's Throne at a minimum is a proliferate effect for (2) >By sacrificing itself for proliferation. Otherwise it can sacrifice a Trigon of Rage if we've run out of attackers to finish the job, or a Contagion clasp after its been tapped to proliferate twice in a round with only 4 mana. Alternatively you can use it as an outlet for Necropede to deal with a creature (-2/-2) and add to their impending doom.

Posted 01 June 2011 at 00:18 as a comment on Virus


First tip I have for you.

I've found when playing dedicated green landfall decks... you're going to want more than 24 lands. (especially when playing with Oracle / Harrow / Khalni)

I'd also suggest taking out either Explore or Rampant growth for the Gladehearts to insure you've some way to stall otherwise you might be putting down Eternity Vessel with only 10 or so life.

Posted 31 May 2011 at 23:38 as a comment on Landfall


I've never used it. It has the same role as Sign in Blood, so I'd swap them out evenly.
I'd start with taking out 4 sign in bloods and putting in 4 temple bells and playing with it to see how it goes.

Posted 31 May 2011 at 22:15 as a comment on T2 Discard


I also wanted to bring to your attention a card I saw while looking at another Discard Deck.

Temple Bell.

I've never used it but in this deck it doesn't seem like it would be a horrible idea. (I'd at least play test with it).

Tap and each player draws a card. You'll get to draw a card to use, and they'll draw a card to give you something to make them discard.

Posted 31 May 2011 at 20:13 as a comment on T2 Discard


I also wanted to bring to your attention a card I saw while looking at another Discard Deck.

Temple Bell.

I've never used it but in this deck it doesn't seem like it would be a horrible idea. (I'd at least play test with it).

Tap and each player draws a card. You'll get to draw a card to use, and they'll draw a card to give you something to make them discard.

Posted 31 May 2011 at 20:09 as a comment on T2 Discard


For Caw-Blade make sure you're picking the right threats. They're generally creature lite decks who rely on their expensive cards to win. To emphasize this. No one has ever lost to a 1/1 flyer.

So if your turn 1 move is Inquisition... and you see Squadron Hawk, Stone Forge Mystic, and peek a Jace the Mind Scuplter. I'd choose the Stone Forge. That way they're not finding they're swords. I'd also remember to use Despise / Duress on turn 3 to remove their Jace and see what else they've drawn.

Black Sun should ruin any plans they have (Contagion Clasp will help against a Bird equipped by Sword of Feast and Famine), as you can simply put a -1/-1 counter an all their creatures and either proliferate them to death, or prevent them from moving swords around. (of course if you can give them all -3/-3 do that!)

Remember your Duress / Inquisitions can also remove any of their swords from their hand, and duress can remove Batterskull. So if they manage to play a Stone Forge, use your next turn to go pick out that nice piece of equipment.

Against Caw Blade they are likely to counter your discard attempts. So you're going to have to expect that, but you'll have the benefit of having 1 cost spells leaving plenty of mana open to tap for a spell pierce or a mana leak.

Posted 31 May 2011 at 20:05 as a comment on T2 Discard


Also how well this deck does at FNM will depend on how well you assess threats, and your side board.

If your able to whittle their threats away from their hand this deck could do real well.

Ideally you're plays would be turn 1 Hand Check... Taking out any early threat (Such as a Stone Forge / Lotus) while noting of any high profile threats (such as Jace / Titans).

Turn 2 we'd love to play Liliana's Caress.

Turn 3 if we have a Duress / Despise I'd rather play this than Liliana's Specter and go nab us a turn 4 planeswalker (Jace / Tez ) leaving mana open for a Sign in Blood / Doom Blade / Extra Caress

Turn 4 (if you have more hand check) I'd hand check into the Lil Specter, or play a Guul Draz.

Turn 5 We'd want Vess to come down or in combination of plays.

You just have to make sure you're picking out the cards that are going to hurt you the most. If you can take a part their engine early you'll have no problem winning with your Titan or a 5/5 Guul Draz later.

That said...

I'd sideboard Life's Finale... I feel like a 6 mana board sweeper that lets you go find 3 other threats is a card that will win you EVERY game you play it...

In a creature lite deck such as this it's perfect to side board in against decks that take over the board later (such as Caw-Blade or Titans) After you've wiped the board you get to search their deck for any other Titans or Big Nasties and put them into their graveyard...

With this deck their hand is likely empty so you've likely just solved all their threats they could possibly draw into...

Posted 31 May 2011 at 19:43 as a comment on T2 Discard


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