Ethereal Beatdowns

by Geonis on 24 June 2014

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (5)

Planeswalkers (2)

Enchantments (2)

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Deck Description

Enchantment creature deck that plays around pumping up your creatures quickly using Ethereal Armor and Eidolon of Countless Battles, dealing massive damage before your opponent can respond.

Comments/Discussion appreciated :)

How to Play

Most of the time in this deck, Ethereal Armor is at worst a 1cc +2/+2, first strike boost, but it quickly gets out of hand as the amount of enchantments (almost every permanent in this deck) increase. It's common for the armor to give +4/4 or +5/5 each (stackable). The following is a sample scenario with this deck:

Turn 1: Hopeful Eidolon
Turn 2: Ethereal Armor, Ethereal Armor --> attack with Eidolon for 7/7 with lifelink/firststrike
Turn 3: Master of the Feast --> attack with Eidolon for 9/9 (1 mana open for gods willing to protect creatures)
Turn 4: bestow Eidolon of Endless Battles on Hopeful Eidolon, cast gods willing on Eidolon for protection against enemy blockers (or save against removal spells if opponent has mana open)

--> Master of the feast attack in the air for 5/5
--> Hopeful Eidolon unblockable attack for 16/16 lifelink, first strike

- Different combinations work just as well and make the deck more flexible in different situations (e.g. pump up Master of the Feast with Eidolon of Endless Battles for a 10/10 flier; drop a thoughtseize in place of an armor for safer play, targeting enemy removal spells)
- If no Ethereal Armor are available early on, it's not a big problem as our 3cc creatures and removal spells are competent in holding tempo by themselves (Master of the Feast, Brimaz). Once there are 3-4 permanents on the our side of the board, the armor swill drop for a massive boost in power to our creatures.

- Banishing Light serves as a great removal tool for us as it also counts towards enchantment count (i.e. buffs each ethereal armor), thus we have this in place of Hero's Downfall.
- Doom Blade/Ultimate Price are great for taking care of big creatures opponent will try to push out to stabilize against our growing creatures, plus they're excellent against small deathtouch pests or last blockers before lethal
- Gods Willing is a 1cc protection instant that will save our creatures from removal spells that can otherwise ruin our tempo (hence it may be worthwhile to leave a plain open starting turn 3 for countering); it's also extremely useful to make our creature unblockable, often leading to lethal damage in one strike
- Successfully capping a pumped creature with Spectra Ward will seal most games
- Brimaz is the only non-enchantment creature card in the deck, its ability to pump cat tokens synergizes with Eidolon of Countless Battles, and vigilance is a nice touch as it prevents opponents from trying to race us
*** He can be replaced by Xathrid Slyblade for the same cmc to get hexproof


- vs Burn: sub in Aegis of the Gods to make yourself hexproof, they'll have to spend burns on the Aegis, which stops working after we buff it up. Take out some doom blades/banishing lights if they're not creature heavy, or take out Athreos/Brimaz
- vs Control: sub in Erebos to prevent life gain from Sphinx's Revelation etc. Focus on Thoughtseize early to plan ahead. Athreos is useful against board wipes.

Deck Tags

  • Standard
  • Fast
  • Orzhov
  • Enchantment

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 478 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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