since ur on 54 cards i assume this is a work in progress, but you made it public so imma give a few could go with nightvail specter if you wonna keep your splash on white very minimal.if you're okay wiht going into white, the obzedat, ghost counsil and whip of erebos combo is a presonal favorite of mine :P
no Xenagos, God of revels?allso courser of kruphix is pretty good.
10/10 would play this deck, gratz btw ^^
first of all. i like your deck.but i feel that you have 1 if alot of cards. my advise choose the best ones and get more of those and cut the others out. it makes the deck better trust me.
theres abit of a problem in this deck if you ask me. there are not that many cards that shine that much or have really good effects in the deck and the cards dont really have much to make them good together. you need cards that a good because of the fact that you have the same card type on them. door of destiny or something like that can do that for you.
Ok, first of all im gonna assume that you are building a vintage deck and therefore the following thoughts are based on that.first of all you NEED consistensy. never have 1 of a card. usually you wonna have 3 or 4 (sometimes 2) of the cards that you have in your deck. that way you are more likely to get the really good cards = more likely to win.You seem like a bit of a new player so let me just tell you that when you choose a format you need to take all the power you can out of that format. so if you play Vintage, a decent Standard card wont work for you.ok. Artifacts. im sorry to say but none of the artifact you have chosen seems good enough to be worth having in your deck and probably not even worth their mana creatures. im gonna mention those i have a problem with.Axebane Guardian: not enough defenders in deckDiligent Farmhand: there are way better cards to help you with manaGatecreeper Vine: not worth since you dont have any gates in deck, and generally not that good.Golgari Decoy: 4 mana for a 2/2 with no really good effects = not worthand for the rest of the creatures they all have something in common: they dont really do much. you need to take cards that fit well with each other.if you need mana ramp cards go for elven mystic and cards like that (do a google search for similar cards)Other things:Verdant Heaven: not wirth it when you only need green manaAfter notes: go to the gatherer (magic card database) set the format to standard and the color to green and search for cards you consider good, then cut them down to your top 10-15 cards and then make a standard deck out of that. put it on this wepsite and i might be able to make notes on it again. but this deck is not gonna win against anyone who been into magic for more than half a year or so.