a suggestion I would have is change four realmwalkers to to two realmwalkers and four elvish warmasters
yes this is a basic deck with a basic win condition but sometimes it is nice to just smash some face
I have yet to finish this deck if anyone could give some suggestions that would be much appreciated
oh thanks also love the idea of half decks.
me too play tested it it is pretty fun
thanks I would recommend playing commander it is an interesting format with fun combos that you don't see in other formats
I would love to but I do not have a competitive deck right now :(
yeah thought so. also after playing against this deck I can safely say that it is brutal
why not put kallia of the vast as commander?
sorry it auto corrected animar to animal
yes I did I did not have time to finish them so I deleted them until I thought of better ways to make them. thanks for the comment though it makes me happy to see some looks at my builds I will look into finding ways to give animal flying I would love it if you kept giving comments I will check out your decks :)
also coat of arms
thank you and I know the likes mean nothing but they make me feel good. also I will check out some of your decks.
thank you so much will look into that
ummmm ok?
try Demon of loathing, abhorrent overlord, Liliana's Contract and... Sower of discord
I just made one of those bruh
plz like the deck
thank you
hi please leave a like on this deck build and give some help on ways to make it better
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