Unbeatable deck. One might say that's ::puts on sunglasses:: nuts. ... I'll see myself out.
Personally, I would ditch Avacyn and maybe even Gideon. I've been considering a GW Humans as well, and bigger cards like that will just slow you down. With humans, you really want your opponent dead by turn 5 or 6. If they're not, your field has probably already been DoJ-ed, leaving you out to dry. In their place, more Silverblade Paladins. You get a Turn 3 Paladin out pared with a Turn 1 Champion of the Parish, and, at the very least, you should have a 2/2 double strike and a 3/3 double strike on the field. If you're not mono-white, Honor of the Pure may not be the best idea as a 2-drop. Replace with Gather the Townsfolk (of which you should have 4, since you're running both Champions). Also, if you have them, I'd add in Razorvenge Thickets for increased mana flexibility, and probably use more Caverns.
Frites. It's a pretty infamous Standard deck at this point.
Oh my God this is so dumb. I love it!
I'm working to acquire Hymn to Tourarchs, and Teferi's Puzzle Box is absolutely brilliant, so thanks for that one! I'm not a particular fan of Distress or Duress though, as there's a limit on what can be discarded with those cards.