demon deck with only (mostly) high costing creatures with only 20 land...okay.
i know this deck is probably for fun but im just saying you would probably have not chance of winning. even with the best case scenario you would get a 3/3 trench wurm on turn 2...
jesus... i forgot about that beast (bird)! i will be sure to add one!
that would be brutal if i were not doing T2.
yeah i see that, the only win condition i can see is locking down your opponent then getting a mimic vat to copy a creature like acidic slime (to anger you opponent even more), and just keep doing 2 damage.
yeah with the ban on ponder and preordain this deck will never work. but it is a very fun idea! :)
haha i like how you take this so seriously, i find it very funny. this is not a competitive combo i agree it is more of a fun combo. but yes no combo the involves and 3 drop and a 5 drop will ever work, those types of combos are just not competitive. OH WAIT! i think you forgot about the pestermite, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker combo. which if im not mistaken won the modern tournament...
How could i forget dismember!? thanks for pointing that out!
pretty good, i just dont know if it has enough removal.
hmmm a tap down deck with no blue? that's weird. i would suggest throwing in blue so you can have sleep, wall of frost, and maybe frost titan.
yeah that could work. i forgot about those eldrazi ramp lands
i made a deck just like this, but the people i play against will never play me when i use the deck... probably because i get 1000 tokens on turn 6.
26 land? i think you can lower the amount of land also spell pierce is much better then cancel!
add teetering peaks, it is perfect for kuldotha red!
maybe necropede or some other infect artifact creature like Ichorclaw Myr?
add Broodwarden, Growth Spasm, Brood Birthing, and probably Spawning Breath. and maybe with all this eldrazi token spam thrown in overrun.
why is there no fling in this deck?
i cant do the goblin, this is standard. and the pyromancer is to much to get out. also the basilisk collar is just crazy stupid in a direct damage deck, i might check it out.
yeah i guess it is slight better if i dont get that land drop.
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