really expensive deck... but i prefur the old fassion drains like exanguinate and consume spirit with vamp splash and with a god hand have them at 7 health turn 2 Deck link:
i dont norm go creatureless but thats a good idea... but still i dont like planar lense becuase it can help the opponent Deck link: is my sanguin bond kill ^.^
im more straight black but i would go children of corliss for when u get hit hard + it gets ther attention off of u i personally prefur a mono black sanguin bond deck with a hell of allot of mana ramp
your deck is too random.... looks more megrim then drain life
i did less creature base and more drain/kill with a decient defence i just cant stop eaisly fast building decks liek elves still working out the kinks Deck link:
i just need a few more cards to make the acual deck like this i need the cobal coffers and the dark ritual i have every thing else its fun to play i had geth lord of the vaults but he didnt serve any real purpose in the deck idea other than to annoy the shit out of peoples ^.^