Yea, the deck really needs something I can chump block with and then cast from the GY again....if only there was 4 of some black zombie creature that had that exact ability....humm.......Gravecrawler not being able to block makes me sad.
Thanks, a lot of the recent Varolz decks are cookie cutter builds. I think casual decks are always more fun when the opponent doesn't know exactly what's coming.
Updated for DGM and the deck now plays even better. Tajic paired with Aurelia is just a stupid stupid combo. He gets 5/5 until end of turn, so on the second combat phase he a 12/12...?!?!
Personally I think Drown in Filth is probably not playable in standard unless you are really concentrating on milling yourself, or if you are specifically play against a Dimir/Mind Grindy deck. You could drop the Mulch and go with 2x Grisly Salvage and 2x Jarad's Orders instead. Because Rancor always comes back to your hand, I'v found you really only need 3 in a deck, so that's one more spot as well.I personally love tragic slip in these decks as well, especially if you are pumping a Troll, you can usually count on a chump blocker hitting the GY each turn, and 1 mana for a instant removal is amazing and it get's passed indestructible. Plus it kills freakin' Reckoners without the regret you feel from a Searing Spear or something similar.You could also just mainboard two Putrifies and sideboard two.
Yep. I feel that Golgari is one of the only guilds that has ridiculous creatures that with a certain card draw/combo, are literally impossible to beat. Two Fridays ago I swung with a 14/13 Loltroll on turn 4, and even if he had enough blockers to absorb most of the dmg so that the trample didn't kill him, I had a essence harvest in hand and all mana open... and frankly I love it! is going to change how counter decks are played a lot I feel, and I'm anxious to play the above Dimir/Golgari deck and see how it goes. And while a lot of cheese creatures are not usually viable in standard, while he's probably not going to see a lot of play in tournies, I feel he'll clean up a few FNM's in the coming weeks.
Oh yea, that whole "exiles hand" wording I read right over! Comment redacted!
My Golgari deck is going to change a bit as well, but as far as Standard goes, might be time to start looking for creatures that aren't going to be phased out in 3 months. Vexing devil is the only red card in the deck atm.... Slumbering Dragon is a good card to scavenge, but again 2013. Would be a great add to replace Boneyard worm for the time being. We can at least get a few more FNM wins out of it!
The only issues is that you would have to wait 1 turn to tap stuffy doll. So you are going to be sitting at one health and your opponent would get a turn before you can tap to deal the one dmg. Just hope he's not sitting on a 1 drop or burn spell.
Good start for a Scavenge deck. The new Golgari Captain from Dragon's Maze is going to change how we all play however. When he's on the field he makes all creatures in your GY scavengable!Check out my Golgari Standand deck. I'v been using it at FNM with great success. Little different take, you don't have to rely on mana to pump up your creatures.'d probably recommend trying to get 3x or 4x of the creatures that you really want and trimming the number of different cards. Just helps with playability so you know what to expect and can have a defined strat going into games.GL!
You can make this deck Standard really easily. Similar to this... I'v won two FNM's with it and it's nearly impossible to beat. key is working with a mechanic and sticking with it. Forced adaptation is a great add to alot of counter decks, but you probably want to add Lotleth Troll, perhaps the best counter stack in the current blocks. I'v tried to work Forced Adap. into my deck above but am having trouble taking 4 of something out!
I would agree on the dual lands, but this is currently exactly what I run, only because I don't actually have any additional dual lands. I'd love to buy 4x Woodland Cemetery's!While Scavenge is a big part of this deck, it's not the main source of power for the Lotleth's. The discard mechanic is and that is why Ghoulcaller is in there to work with the Veilborn Ghouls. I have only had to scavenge a Dreg Mangler once, and at that point the game was well past over and I was swinging for lethal. By turn 5 or 6, a Lotleth is usually around 8/8 or more, and Essence Harvest finishes off the player.I've won 2 FNM's in the last two months playing this deck. I switch up between this deck, a blue/black Grim-grin Zombie deck and a new Boros/Angels deck I made.I find Planeswalkers simply extend games when you have to spend mana to get them out when you could be playing offensive cards. Just a different style of play.
-4 Wojek Halberdiers+4 ScorchwalkersThe +5/+1 for 3 mana in huge coupled with flying creatures and the Wojek's weren't really going to see play with the 1 drops to Skynight/Firemane progression.
Yea, Vandalblast is a good add for the sideboard. I really wanted to take advantage of the R/W Angels and use Defy Death, which isn't usually found in a Boros setup. A lot of the decks i'v been running against have been really token heavy so it will be interesting to see how Aurelia's Fury could play a huge roll in getting rid of blocking fodder and ending a game quickly.A Firemane Avenger with doublestrike is also a scary sight.
I have a similar deck that I just transitioned to Standard. Nighthawk Vampires are essential in any new Vamp deck however, flying will get through 90% of the time and with a Rakish Heir on the board, pump up quickly. I'd remove the Havengul's Vamps the Bloodcrazed Neonates, and Rush of Blood (-7) and add 3 Nighthawk's, Two more Captain's and and 1 more each of Vampiric Fury and Undying Evil.I love Crippling Blight in the deck, I'm going to have to add that to mine. A cheap drop to get your Vamp's through to get them extra counters in later turns. Slaughter Games is good, but it's alot of mana to prevent a card from being played, when you can simply get rid of it for half the mana with a counter or destroy enchant/artifact, etc.Sideboard looks, good, but I'd get it up to 15 and think about each card in it's situational use. Def. keep Vandalblast, Charm and and Skullcrack.
A few Dingus Eggs would make all that Land Destruction even more sweet. I have a really effective Red Land Destruction deck that is usually a 5-6 turn winner.
This deck would be alot better if you got rid of the Blue cards. Double up on the Mountain and Swamps. Consider adding instant attacks to take care of creatures, like 4x Lightning Bolts, and adding 4 Dingus Eggs would make the land destruction have more meaning....along with more impact!Cheers!
There are a lot of Land Destruction Decks, but most of them don't take advantage of the actual destruction of said land. If you swapped out 4 of the high mana cost creature for four Dingus Egg's, the game would be over much sooner.