
96 Decks, 815 Comments, 302 Reputation

I find rug to be more effective than bant. Huntmaster gives a two for one, and with biomancer its 2 4/4s. Biomancer also combos with rancor and wolfir silverheart

Posted 09 February 2013 at 07:01 as a comment on Midrange Biomancer


Flayer of the hatebound combos with fling. Primordial hydra is nice to throw at people too. Oh, and ghor clan rampager would be good. Bloodrush a wandering wolf, swing for 6, fling for 6, gg.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 00:07 as a comment on G/R Wolf-Fling


I like clan defiance a lot. Having too many bonfire increases the chance of it in your opening hand, whereas clan defiance is fine in an opening hand. Bonfire is better, but running more than 2 is risky. I'd probably go two of each honestly. Both have their game winning moments. For example, I clan defianced a grixis control deck for 10 yesterday. Bonfire wouldve been 5...

Posted 05 February 2013 at 01:41 in reply to #321269 on RUG "Bubbles"


Don't cut blue, thos eguys are definitely worth it. Simic charm might be something to consider, since it can guarantee a creature survives anything for a turn. Might even out the mana too. Also, in so many colors I'd sooner use arbor elf than avacyns pilgrim. He can untap shock lands, and can potentially give you any color

Posted 04 February 2013 at 18:40 as a comment on 4C Midrange


I'd consider taking out predator ooze for two more trackers instinct. Finding them visionaries sooner could mean the game. Nice deck

Posted 04 February 2013 at 18:36 as a comment on Elvish Biovisionary


I havent played a burn deck in a few years, but from what I know about modern, pillar of flame may be good to keep things away from deathrite shaman and tarmogoyf.

Posted 04 February 2013 at 18:33 as a comment on BURN!!!


That'll be hard to do, I saw your gruul deck already, seemed really fast. Thank you though!

Posted 04 February 2013 at 13:14 in reply to #321317 on RUG Biomancy


I'd sooner take out borderland ranger than thrag and clan defiance. Wolfir silverheart helps a lot, and borderland ranger is kinda unnecessary with arbor elf and farseek. You wanna skip three drops anyway. Bubbles is awesome, btw. If I could afford him I'd run two also.

Posted 04 February 2013 at 05:06 as a comment on RUG "Bubbles"


Sure thing. :) I use tormods crypt against reanimator. If people can reanimate peddler snd staticaster, I cant really win. Silklash spider blocks thundermaw hellkite, and gets rid of lingering souls tokens easily. Naturalize is always a useful sideboard card against anything with enchantments. Blind obedience, intangible virtue, etc. Rapid hybridization is good bomb removal, and saves my creatures from removal in a sense. Clan defiance is always good, and sometimes I need it more than wolfir silverheart. Pillar is just good against aggro, zombies, and reanimator. Sideboard is still a work in progress, but its good enough so far :) ill go check out your build

Posted 04 February 2013 at 04:59 in reply to #321196 on RUG Biomancy


Master biomancer combos really well with animar

Posted 03 February 2013 at 16:04 as a comment on ANIMAR, SOUL OF ELEMENTS EDH


Skyknight legionnaire kinda kills an otherwise amazing decklist for me...maybe frontline medic instead? Very versatile and efficient.

Posted 02 February 2013 at 23:38 as a comment on boros


If anything I'd use urban evolution BECAUSE of sphinxs revelation, not instead of. But you don't really need the ramp at this point, and for this meta the life gain will probably help more. And bonfire is good, but spotlight just lets you win with a whole unblockable team...really bad after a wrath though. Bonfire might be a better bet, but if you don't already have them I don't think its worth it to buy them

Posted 02 February 2013 at 03:38 in reply to #320729 on White RUG midrange


Only got one at the prerelease but just traded for another and I'm working on two more. People say hes not to good for standard because he doesnt do anything the turn he hits, but I see major potential. :)

Posted 02 February 2013 at 03:34 in reply to #320510 on broken token!


Yeah hes excellent, I was lucky enough to get one in my simic guild pack too. :p hes ridiculous if you can get two out too

Posted 01 February 2013 at 13:02 in reply to #320510 on broken token!


Master biomancer could break the hell out of this. Gets pumped by imperious perfect, and then makes each new token at least a 5/5

Posted 01 February 2013 at 04:31 as a comment on broken token!


With 4 arbor elves it might be worth it to adjust the mana base. 4 temple garden, 4 breeding pool, 4 stomping ground, and less steam vents and fountains and foundries can maximize his potential, and practically make him a bird of paradise.

Posted 01 February 2013 at 00:42 in reply to #320186 on White RUG midrange


Seems solid. I used to play kitchen table magic with a soldier deck, running captains call, goldnight commander, and cathars crusade. Captains call may be stronger than aven squire. Yeah, he flies. But exalted is irrelevant, war falcon is good enough. Not to mention captains call combos with court street denizen.

Captain of the watch might be a good one or two of.

Posted 31 January 2013 at 05:11 as a comment on Mono White Soldiers


You have some pretty nice cards in here, seems like a pretty fun deck. Just a few quick tips on deck building.

1. Run 4 copies of essential cards. Consistency is important in a deck. Having a reliable plan is good, so any cards that always hit the board and always help, like seething song and lightning bolt should be used in multiple copies.

2. Stay on curve. Don't flood a deck with expensive creatures. Always have consistent early stuff that helps you survive until the reinforcements show up.

3. 60 cards! The rules say at least 60, but what they mean is 60. Going over just makes a deck less consistent. Theres that word again :p

When you play the deck, or any deck, keep an eye out for awesome helpful cards, and for cards that don't really help as much, and adjust your deck to be as efficient and consistent as possible. I hope I passed on at least some wisdom. Good luck! :)

Posted 31 January 2013 at 04:56 as a comment on I'm a noob and this is my deck


Griselbrand ist ein tolles Dämon. Er fliegt, er gibt dir ist sehr toll. Ziemlich teuer, aber du hast dark ritual. Du solltest ihn versuchen. Es tut mir leid, ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch, aber viel Glück!

Posted 31 January 2013 at 00:15 as a comment on Dämonenbeschwörung


Lol thats pretty hilarious. Ill stay tuned in to see the updates, I'm interested in seeing where this goes

Posted 30 January 2013 at 02:45 in reply to #319900 on White RUG midrange


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