
11 Decks, 10 Comments, 0 Reputation

A good question for a new player! Ramp is a very important thing, especially in standard. Good luck and welcome to the game.

Posted 04 June 2013 at 18:21 in reply to #360862 on Selesnya Tokens


-1 mountain
+1 swamp
-1 increasing ambition
+1 ultimate price
Sideboard needs a rework, ash zealot is nearly uncastable in a deck using mutilates,
I'm not 100% sure what the focus is here it seems like it's trying to be a midrange and a control deck at the same time

Posted 04 June 2013 at 18:16 as a comment on Black In Style V 3.0


Yes, it's been tested. The E.ones and call on the conclave/voices put you on a much faster clock than running ramp. the armada wurms/etc are win more cards. You intend to have the game won by turn 5/6 if they verdict and you need a rootborn. the deck is resilient against control. voice call token/any 3 drop they verdict you regen e one get voice token evolve e one and you're back at 4 power on board with calls to play. if we were going midrangey it would have lots of ramp, thrags and restos

Posted 04 June 2013 at 18:09 in reply to #360862 on Selesnya Tokens


Of course, The only reason I like Primal Hunter over Relentless is the sheer card advantage you'll get with the beefy creatures you're churning out. +4/5 cards is definitely a huge edge you gain. but also making dudes for free is great too,

Posted 29 May 2013 at 06:03 in reply to #358012 on I Think I Bant


In G/W Scion is quite good. Populating Wurm tokens with extra power for 5 mana is legit.

Posted 29 May 2013 at 01:15 in reply to #358010 on I Think I Bant


Also, Bin the Trostani's Summoner into either a third Mimic or a fourth Azorius Charm.

Posted 29 May 2013 at 00:48 in reply to #358010 on I Think I Bant


Additional sideboard changes I'd go:
+2 Garruk, Primal Hunter
-1 Garruk Relentless
-2 Psychic Spiral
-1 Plasm Capture
+2 Purify the Grave
-1 Judge Familiar
-1 Dryad Militant
+2 Detention Sphere

Posted 29 May 2013 at 00:46 as a comment on I Think I Bant


Some suggestions, overall a very cool list.
I recommend
- 2 Geist Honored Monk
-3 Wayfaring Temple
+2 Scion of Vitu-Ghazi
+3 Angel of Serenity
Use your mimic to copy for angel and wipe their board down late game and have Scion populate your Advent of the Wurm tokens.
Also you can try out a little less ramp and a touch more early pressure depending on your local meta
-3 Arbor Elf
+3 Experiment One
Just some thoughts, Cool deck!

Posted 29 May 2013 at 00:42 as a comment on I Think I Bant


This was tossed together for a friend of mine, to kinda steer him in the right direction.

Posted 29 May 2013 at 00:23 in reply to #357985 on 'Merica


If you run white, Rootborn Defenses hoses verdict so hard. I narrowly missed the Top 8 of a recent SCG IQ because of that card against my Esper control list.

Posted 29 May 2013 at 00:22 in reply to #357985 on 'Merica
