Surrak DragonclawSpellbreaker behemothProwling SerpopardChord of callinggreen sun's zenithGilded lotusAncient zigguratCommand towersol ringrubblehulksheltered thicketgruun, the lonely kinggrow from the ashesadventurious impulsesiege gang commandergrand warlord radhakhenra charioteerdomri radexenagos the revelertemur ascendancytemur charmsavage knucklebladesee the unwrittenrattleclaw mystichooded hydra
Thanks! I'll check it out. I love the premise of this deck, but it needs some more work to become viable. Few more fling cards would definitely help
To be honest I am not very experienced with a lot of cards, seems like this could work. But playing on the defensive, reactive game instead of proactive is always an uphill battle.
never mind, yours is monowhite, didn't see that at first!
It looks cool, however the problem with it, as well as most "make even BIGGER" type of cards they have to be set up, and will only help you when you are probably already in no need of it. I may be wrong though, its costs are pretty low, so it may be worth it.
Also find more green/red double lands.
I would suggest you remove Helix pinnacle, since you are trying to do X damage, Helix will only be of hindrance, and it is kinda too slow, even for such a mana base. Instead put in 4 Expedition maps, so you can get your cloudposts as fast as possible.
When I wrote my comment, I had forgotten that some enchantments were missing since I last reworked that deck. So when I said "insanely stupid amount of life" I really meant the time when it had Boon Reflection and True Conviction in there.. You can see what I really meant by that statement.
I had a deck like this, I still have the cards, but the deck is taken apart.I loved the expression on people's faces when they realized what they had let this noob do. My ageless entity was 284/284, and I was at 360 health. Since I was a noob though, I didn't have any way for it to do the damage to the players.The difference in my deck was the fact that I gained insanely stupid amount of life. You can take a look actually, I have posted that deck here. Seems like a really cool deep waters themed deck! funny, because I was making something similar x)
I was actually making a deck based on the same Ula's temple idea! nice one you got here)You should totally add Trench Gorger))
I got that hand the first time i clicked "draw sample hand"! LOLwell.. except mox opal xD