you're not really taking into consideration the style my deck is using. i sort of know how to make a solid red/green synergyless creature beatdown and im going to be making one soon but this is a deck with synergy. the power comes from having things like the forcemage and herd gnarr out on a turn that you play one dozen eyes and attack with nacatl war-pride ;-)
hehe thanks. im probably taking the djinn out, but im going to build a different deck similar to this still which does use him. this one is very mill based, the djinn one will be sorcery/instant based. i like to seriously exploit one advantage only per deck and really specialize it, and make a new deck for anything that doesnt quite fit.
howling mine is a great idea thats going in for sure, and i force fruition might make the sideboard but its a little high cost for this deck maybe. im more concerned about them somehow breaking my combo with a destroy enchant or creature or something. then again it wouldnt hurt to wait a few turns, get the mana to play something like forced fruition, then drop statis/chronatog on a turn when they're spent all their mana on something big that wont even matter because it will never untap :P
awesome deck man. i love the infinite combo done by untapping land, ive only seen it done with other creatures before. not gonna lie im probably gonna make my own different version of this but i give you full credit for the great concept. im not gonna tell you how to improve it because only you know best how you want it to run. check mine out when im done it though, UG Infinite. might give you some ideas.
good call
id suggest mana web, so that if they pay donate's upkeep they have to use all their mana to do it. since mana empties at the end of phases, they wont be able to play anything using the illusions/donate combo with seething song is a great idea. you can play both on turn 5, and if you dropped mana web on turn 3 or 4 you are set for good. last suggestion, i think steam vents is better than shivan reef. take 2 damage off the bat, but no more once its in play oh maybe psychic venom just for fun
i do appreciate the feedback elements, now i know i need to explain complicated decks like this better.
since this deck doesn't seem to be as obvious as i hoped, i will explain what goes on in a best case scenario: turn 1 - plains turn 2 - island, greater auramancy OR, if you want to risk it getting burned, chronatog turn 3 - plains, idyllic tutor OR transmute a muddle the mixture for whatever you need turn 4 - island, solitary confinement OR chronatog & stasis turn 5 - (only if you played solitary last turn) chronatog & stasis turn 4 is risky, turn 5 is safer especially if you got auramancy out
umm.... perhaps you dont get whats going on here... your opponent is unable to do ANYTHING. therefor you skip your turn until they draw out.
snowfall is good for me, but i plan on giving my opponents many islands too. i used to play a deck like this where i used extraplanar lens but it helped my opponents out too much for my liking.
This is a mill deck, just not a traditional one. It doesn't bother milling 3 or 4 cards at once when it can set itself up to mill 20 or 30 at once.
i have played against this deck many times and it is destructive. especially if ices is actually trying.... though usually he has such an advantage so early on that he doesn't.
i like the upwelling / braid of fire combo to help acceleration. i'll give you full credit right now for any time i use that in one of my decks.
volsonis thanks for the suggestion but the buried alives are not in there to get me cards in my hand. they're there to put the thralls in the graveyard so that when i storm my dragons have some company ;-)
and use the immaculate magistrate to make a bigger creature to sac with mercy killing ;)
nantuko husk lets you sac without adding mana. might be useful.
I like the other card ideas, I might work them in. The deck peeking is nice, and sage owl covers flying which I don't have anything for yet. What's wrong with warclub giving my unblocked ninja +2/+1? It equips when you ninjitsu, so every time you get through you get that extra damage. I almost never pay the equip cost.
there are 4 doubtless in there, and 3 prophets in sideboard. they're sideboard because i dont expect to need any more life gain.
nice. might want a Master Apothecary in there if you have any trouble with damage. Ancestor's Prophet are also good for breaking enemy's will... you gaining 10-20 health a turn can be demoralizing for them.
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