4x Soulcatcher's Aerie instead of crusade. 4x Airborne Aid. Why do you have augury adept in here, unless its supposed to be an ancient Roman pun. lol (Bird Augury.) Cards to look at Soulcatcher Cloudchaser Kestrel Stormscape Familiar Keeper of the Nine Gales Major Teroh* Lieutenant Kirtar Glarecaster* Celestial Gatekeeper* Aven Brigadier** Swans of Bryn Argol* (if you get this get the equipment entangler as well. or Valor made Real as a surprise. Good way to mill heavy hitters) Kangee, Aerie Keeper***
Too many singles. Try using multiples and focusing your strategy a bit.
Mana has never been a big deal with me as far as elves go. I can appreciate the untapping. The problem with this deck is that it doesn't have a full hand by the time I hit turn 6 (if it gets that far.) For the kicker its worth it as well. I will have to see what it does for me. Nonetheless, Slate is staying. =)
I would have to play against it to give advice on this one. It looks solid, but you can't tell what ratios you really need on cards until you have played it a couple hundred times. =) P.S. Megrim maybe??
A couple of Join the Ranks would do well for this, for its surprise factor. =)
Oh look at that you mentioned it in the deck description already. Woops.
It might be a good idea to have two or more Greater Auramancy cards in here. Though, your getting advice from a guy that runs aura shards. =)
4x Noble Hierarch Otherwise, I like it. 7/10
This may have a really hard time with Blitz decks, and just straight burn, but I like the R/B Discard strategy. I'd say its safe to put another megrim in there.
Thats each creature and player on pestilence. Do you want -1/-1 counters on your guys to? Throw in a heartmender and that could be ok. =)
I could be wrong, but I feel like this is spread out a little too far. You have some unique things going for you, but why are you using worldslayer and open the vaults. 90% of the time the game will be over before you even think of cards like this, slowing you down. Sure your one master transmuter can possibly get out one for a blue, but transmuter is a high profile creature. If you were going to do anything like that, maybe scourglass is a good idea. I feel I am being too negative about this. Overall I would have to give it a 6/10
High Tide+Palinchron would be excellent for this. Infinite mana combo for a turn. My persist deck has an infinite mana combo as well, though it doesn't fit so well in your deck. Perhaps Grazing Kelpie x2 on field Blade of the Bloodchief x1 o/f (switch this between the creatures before you sac them each time.) Ashnod's Altar x 1 o/f infinite mana combos are so much fun.
scratch that. This is a great deck. 9/10. This could possibly stay afloat in a pro tourney.
Awesome deck. I like all of the choice cards you drop. I know this might be pushing it, but how about flame jab, so you can get out all 4 of your hellkites?
Put some Path to Exiles in there. (Its a nice trap for archive trap) Otherwise, its pretty solid. Quite similar to an idea I developed a while ago.
Entirely playable. Goblin assault might be good to sideboard entirely. If you do that, its straight up nasty burn. Like I said before though, flame jab can make both of those proc pretty early. At the expense of a couple lands though. =(
The only soldier ability I would be able to focus on would be maybe grabbing veteran's armaments. Instead, I threw in some double cleaves. Nothing better then a surprise kill.
Good call. Looking at it from the outside, I have too many cards untapping all permanents during the opponent's upkeep.
Don't forget Spirit En-Kor! Very nicely done. I have seen many stuffy doll decks, but never with en-Kors. Its a natural choice. I wonder why I haven't.
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